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发布时间:2018-07-15 21:15
[Abstract]:University reform is a major topic in the world today. Despite limited funding, developing countries are struggling to find a place in the world's top university elite club. They clung to the free academic material posted on the Internet by leading Western universities, which in many ways is a double-edged sword. The University Reform Survey in this paper covers almost a few major countries and provides well-grounded advice to university administrators through meta-analysis in order to explore the solution of socio-economic and political challenges in open distance universities. The conclusion of this paper is mainly composed of adoptable strategies. These strategies are not only survival strategies, but also practical professional development paths, which can enable universities to make progress and prosperity in local and international society under unfavorable economic conditions. The introduction defines the connotation of the world-class universities. After that, the research method part outlines the approved internal and external reorganization methods. The conclusion describes the survey results of different strategies adopted by universities around the world and the current results. The purpose of this paper is to describe the strategies that other universities have adopted or are taking and their possible cultural connections with their own universities. While these global findings are descriptive rather than prescriptive, some views may be worth looking at and adapted and adopted at home. The final part summarizes the most effective strategies for schools that aspire to become world-class universities. Both traditional and distance education needs to be transformed into a smaller, more professional, highly flexible unit to provide higher skills for the future. The current trend of integration and re-industrialization of distance education may not be appropriate, and the specialization of sensitivity and responsiveness to innovation and new skills may lead to better results for students.
【作者单位】: 英国皇家艺术协会;上海开放大学外语系;


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