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发布时间:2018-07-17 17:17
【摘要】:文化是一个民族的血脉和精神家园,是民族生命力、凝聚力和创造力的不竭源泉,也是综合国力的重要组成部分。党的十七届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于深化文化体制改革推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣若干重大问题的决定》(以下简称《决定》)明确提出:“培养高度的文化自觉和文化自信,提高全民族文明素质,增强国家文化软实力,弘扬中华文化,努力建设社会主义文化强国。”①党的十八大报告也指出:“树立高度的文化自觉和文化自信,向着建设社会主义文化强国宏伟目标阔步前进”。②建设社会主义文化强国,离不开大量具有文化自觉意识、文化自觉能力和正确的文化价值观的人才。作为国家未来和民族希望的大学生,肩负着民族复兴、国家富强的历史重任。当前,学界关于大学生文化自觉的研究还比较少,,研究的层次、深度还有较大的拓展空间,本文试图借鉴高校思想政治教育的优秀研究成果,特别是文化自觉与大学生、文化自觉与青年的相关研究文献,在全面分析文献材料和实证调研的基础上,阐释大学生文化自觉的时代内涵和特征,解读大学生文化自觉的现实问题,探索如何使大学生形成正确的文化自觉意识、文化自觉能力和文化价值观的有效路径。关注大学生的文化自觉问题,实施有效的培养和教育方略,对于提升大学生的文化素养,促进大学生更好地成长成才,加强社会人文精神建设,推动我国文化软实力建设,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 文章共分为五大部分: 第一部分:对当前我国大学生文化自觉问题的提出、研究意义、研究现状进行了简要的梳理和综述,并在此基础上确定文章研究的逻辑思路; 第二部分:综合分析文化自觉的相关理论知识,明晰了文化自觉理论的内涵、文化自觉的理性、时代性、民族性和实践性特征和文化自觉的现实意义; 第三部分:马克思主义的文化理论、马克思主义关于“人”的全面发展理论、社会主义核心价值体系和《决定》共同构成了大学生文化自觉的理论基础,规范大学生文化自觉的时代内涵,认为其具有渐进性、教育性、启发性、互动性四大特征,并从人才培养、文化建设和提升国家文化软实力角度分析了其意义; 第四部分:实际调研当前大学生文化自觉的现状,从调查设计、现状描述和存在问题三个方面进行分析; 第五部分:探索大学生文化自觉的实现路径,从目标定位、主要原则和路径选择三个方面进行了研究。
[Abstract]:Culture is the blood and spiritual home of a nation, the inexhaustible source of national vitality, cohesion and creativity, and an important part of comprehensive national strength. The "decision of the CPC Central Committee on deepening the Reform of the Cultural system and promoting the Great Development and Prosperity of Socialist Culture" (hereinafter referred to as "the decision"), adopted at the sixth Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, clearly states: Cultural awareness and cultural self-confidence, Improving the quality of the entire nation's civilization, strengthening the soft power of the national culture, carrying forward the Chinese culture, and striving to build a socialist cultural power. "the report of the 18th National Congress of the Party also pointed out:" establish a high degree of cultural self-consciousness and cultural self-confidence, The great goal of building a socialist cultural power ".2 Building a socialist cultural power is inseparable from a large number of talented people with cultural consciousness, ability of cultural consciousness and correct cultural values. As the future of the country and the hope of the nation, college students shoulder the historical responsibility of national rejuvenation and national prosperity. At present, the academic circles about the university student's cultural consciousness research is still relatively few, the research level, the depth still has the bigger expansion space, this article attempts to draw lessons from the university ideological and political education outstanding research achievement, especially the cultural consciousness and the university student, On the basis of comprehensive analysis of literature materials and empirical investigation, this paper explains the connotation and characteristics of college students' cultural consciousness, and interprets the practical problems of college students' cultural consciousness. This paper explores how to make college students form correct cultural consciousness, cultural consciousness ability and effective path of cultural values. Paying attention to the problem of college students' cultural consciousness and implementing effective cultivation and education strategies can promote the cultural literacy of college students, promote their better growth and development, strengthen the construction of social humanistic spirit, and promote the construction of cultural soft power in our country. It has important theoretical and practical significance. The article is divided into five parts: the first part: put forward, research significance, research status quo of the current university students' cultural consciousness in China briefly combed and summarized, and on this basis to determine the logical thinking of the article; The second part: synthetically analyzes the related theoretical knowledge of cultural consciousness, and clarifies the connotation of cultural consciousness theory, rationality, epochal, national and practical characteristics of cultural consciousness and the practical significance of cultural consciousness. The third part: the cultural theory of Marxism, the theory of all-round development of "man" of Marxism, the system of socialist core value and the "decision" constitute the theoretical basis of the cultural consciousness of college students. Standardizing the connotation of college students' cultural consciousness of the times, the author thinks that it has four characteristics: gradual, educational, enlightening and interactive, and analyzes its significance from the aspects of talent cultivation, cultural construction and promotion of the soft power of national culture. The fourth part: the actual investigation of the current situation of college students' cultural consciousness, from the survey design, description of the status quo and the existence of three aspects of analysis; part five: explore the way to achieve the cultural awareness of college students, Three aspects of target orientation, main principles and path selection are studied.


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