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发布时间:2018-07-20 17:30
【摘要】:正20世纪中期美国学者提出"以学生为中心"本科教育理念,给世界高等教育带来了巨大影响。本科教育逐步开始从"以教师为中心"的教学模式(Teacher-Directed Instruction)向"以学生为中心"的学习模式(Student-Centered Learning)转变。这一转变改变了本科教育的基本观念和教育质量观,促进高校由传统的提供教学的机构向学习型组织转变,由此也带来了学习方法和教学方法的变革,进而带来了教学组织管理的变革,以及教育质量评估体系的变革。那么,这种转变究竟意味着什么?在这个重大的转变过程中,教育质量评价的方式和内容究竟发生了哪些变化?测评大学生学习效果的关键指标和方法有哪些?如何通过有效测评学生的学习效果促进本科教学的变革呢?
[Abstract]:In the middle of the twentieth Century, American scholars put forward the idea of "student centered" undergraduate education, which had a great impact on the world higher education. Undergraduate education began to change from the "Teacher centered" teaching model (Teacher-Directed Instruction) to the "student centered" learning model (Student-Centered Learning). This change changed The basic concept of undergraduate education and the concept of education quality, promote the transformation from the traditional teaching organization to the learning organization, and thus bring about the change of the learning methods and teaching methods, and then the reform of the teaching organization and management, and the reform of the educational quality evaluation system. In the course of this major transformation, what are the changes in the way and content of the evaluation of education quality? What are the key indicators and methods for assessing the effect of college students? How can the reform of undergraduate teaching be promoted through effective evaluation of the students' learning effect?
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学教育科学研究院;
【基金】:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2011WC059) 湖北省“十二五”教育科学规划研究重点课题“以学生学习与发展为中心的美国大学人才培养制度研究”的研究成果


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2 祝会兵;戴文琰;;发展性学习评价在工程流体力学课程中的探究[J];宁波大学学报(教育科学版);2013年02期

3 黄存捍;;美国大学教学质量保障机制的探索及反思[J];文教资料;2012年10期

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2 张文毅;李汉邦;;NSSE对我国本科教学工作评估的启示[J];中国高教研究;2009年10期


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4 周文英;左晶;代爱萍;;基于模糊数学模型的大学教学评价方法的研究[J];陕西教育(高教版);2011年06期




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