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发布时间:2018-07-25 14:33
【摘要】:生活方式是指一定时期内人们选择自身生存和发展的一种基本活动形式。生活方式受时代、地域、环境、经济、文化、家庭等多种因素的影响,具有历史性、客观性,同时也具有个体性、思想性和渐变性。生活方式是最能体现每个人的思想观念、行为方式、爱好风格和价值选择的一种真实的、自然的存在方式。正如马克思所说的那样,一个人在表现自己生活的样子,就是他自己样子。大学生生活方式是大学生在校期间以学习为核心的全部活动形式。大学生生活方式在整个社会生活中占有重要的位置。大学生们的生活方式一定程度上反映了社会发展和时代变迁,其生活方式具有校园和社会生活方式双重影响的综合性特点。 本文首先对生活方式、大学生生活方式等内涵进行界定,阐述了健康生活方式的特点以及大学生生活方式的分类;其次,,以黑龙江大学生为例,主要选取了最能够代表大学生生活的主要内容,即大学生学习生活方式、人际交往生活方式、休闲生活方式、消费生活方式等几个方面进行研究论述。本文通过调研的方式,力争事实了解龙江大学生生活的现状,并找到了黑龙江省大学生生活方式存在的问题;最后,通过中外大学生生活方式的比较研究,为龙江大学生确立正确的生活方式提供依据,在坚持以人为本和全面发展的基本原则基础上,从多重视角对改进龙江大学生生活方式提出了相应的教育对策,即要用社会主义核心价值体系引领大学生树立正确三观;加强校风学风的建设培养大学生创新实践活动能力;引导大学生树立正确交往意识,提升人际交往能力;加大休闲观念的教育力度和树立正确的消费观念,促进大学生学业和身心共同进步,促进大学生的成长成才。
[Abstract]:Life style refers to a basic form of activity in which people choose their own survival and development in a certain period of time. The way of life is influenced by time, region, environment, economy, culture, family and so on. It is historical, objective, individual, ideological and gradual change. Lifestyle is a real, natural way of existence that best reflects everyone's ideas, behavior, hobby style and value choices. As Marx said, a person in the expression of their own life, is his own appearance. The life style of college students is the whole activity form with study as the core during the period of college students. College students' way of life occupies an important position in the whole social life. To a certain extent, the life style of college students reflects the social development and the change of the times, and its life style has the comprehensive characteristics of the campus and the social way of life. This paper first defines the connotation of life style and college students' life style, expounds the characteristics of healthy life style and the classification of college students' life style; secondly, taking Heilongjiang university students as an example, It mainly selects the main contents which can represent the life of college students most, that is, the study life style, the interpersonal life style, the leisure life style, the consumption life style and so on of the university student to carry on the research elaboration. Through the way of investigation and investigation, this paper tries to understand the status quo of college students' life in Longjiang, and finds out the problems existing in the life style of college students in Heilongjiang Province. Finally, through the comparative study of the life style of Chinese and foreign college students, On the basis of upholding the basic principle of people-oriented and all-round development, this paper puts forward the corresponding educational countermeasures to improve the life style of Longjiang college students from multiple angles of view. That is to say, the socialist core value system should be used to guide college students to set up the correct three views, to strengthen the construction of the style of study, to cultivate the students' ability of innovative practical activities, to guide the college students to establish the correct communication consciousness, and to promote the interpersonal communication ability. Strengthen the education of leisure concept and set up correct consumption concept, promote the common progress of college students' study and body and mind, and promote the growth and development of college students.


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