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发布时间:2018-07-27 12:58
【摘要】:我国目前有地方高校两千五百多所,在高等教育体制改革的大力推动下,地方高校发展迅猛,规模不断扩大,竞争力不断增强,为地方培养优秀的高校毕业生,服务于地方经济,推动地方发展。人力资源作为地方高校的核心资源,负责传授学生知识、组织科研活动、开展后勤保障、维持高校运营。调查发现,不少地方高校人力资源风险管理意识不够,能力不强,,致使一些地方高校不同程度地存在各种潜在或显性的人力资源风险,长此以往会极大地危及地方高校的健康发展,造成难以挽回的不良影响。因此,积极重视地方高校的人力资源风险管理,认真探究如何运用科学高效的管理手段处理风险、解决人力资源管理难题,以保障组织目标的顺利实现,具有十分重要的现实意义和理论价值。 风险管理是一种超前性的管理模式,通过风险识别、风险测评、风险应对、风险监控等环节来控制人力资源风险,可以保障地方高校处于健康稳定的发展之中。地方高校人力资源在聘用、培养、外流、考核等方面都存在一定的风险,如果管理者忽视了人力资源风险对地方高校可能造成的负面影响,就有可能制约地方高校人力资源的发展,无益于高校教学质量与科研水平的提高,进而削弱了地方高校的社会竞争力,严重影响了地方高校的存续与发展。相反,如果高校管理者积极进行风险识别、评估、应对和监控,则会有利于地方高校在教学、科研和社会服务等方面健康持续发展,更好为地方经济和社会发展服务。 导致地方高校人力资源产生风险的因素有许多,既有地方高校自身方面的原因,也有社会环境和人力资源方面的原因。从社会环境层面来讲,国外教育服务机构对国内教育市场产生了强烈冲击,高等教育体制与政策制约了地方高校人力资源的发展,社会对地方高校的人才认可度普遍较低,是导致地方高校人力资源产生风险的主要社会环境因素。从地方高校自身层面来讲,由于管理者缺乏科学的风险管理理念,并且无法满足人才的基本需求,亦无法提供给人才广阔的发展空间,导致人才工作效率低下、无法调动人才的工作积极性,致使地方高校在人力资源方面产生各种风险隐患。此外,人力资源自身对优越的工作环境、学术氛围、科研条件、发展空间的追求,也容易导致人才从地方高校流失,给地方高校带来人力资源风险隐患和危机。 为了化解与规避地方高校人力资源风险,从政府到高校都需要采取一系列的解决与防范措施。首先,地方高校管理者应牢固树立风险管理理念,培养风险管理能力;其次,地方政府应该努力营造和谐的社会市场环境,促使人力资源按照市场规则有序流动;再次,应该尽快实现从传统的人事管理制度向现代人力资源管理体系的转变,建立严格的人才引进制度、加强人才培养;最后,应改善现有的薪资分配和绩效考核体制,稳定师资队伍建设,推进地方高校可持续发展,全面提升我国高等教育质量。
[Abstract]:At present, there are more than 2500 local colleges and universities in China. Under the impetus of the reform of higher education system, the development of local colleges and universities is swift and violent, the scale is expanding, the competitiveness is continuously strengthened, the local economy is serving the local economy and the local development is promoted for the local colleges and universities. Human resources are the core resources of local universities and are responsible for imparting Students' knowledge, organization of scientific research activities, logistics support and maintenance of university operation. The survey found that many local colleges and universities are not aware of the risk management of human resources and their ability is not strong, which causes some local colleges and universities to have various potential or dominant risk of human resources in some degree, which will greatly endanger the healthy development of local colleges and universities. Therefore, it is of great practical and theoretical value to actively pay attention to the risk management of human resources in local colleges and universities, to carefully explore how to use scientific and efficient management means to deal with risks, to solve the problems of human resource management and to ensure the smooth realization of the organizational goals.
Risk management is an advanced management model, which can control human resource risk through risk identification, risk assessment, risk response, risk monitoring and so on. It can ensure the healthy and stable development of local colleges and universities. The human resources in local colleges and universities have certain risks in the aspects of employment, training, outflow and assessment. Ignoring the possible negative impact of human resource risk on local colleges and universities, it is possible to restrict the development of human resources in local colleges and universities, improve the teaching quality and scientific research level of colleges and universities, weaken the social competitiveness of local colleges and universities, and seriously affect the survival and development of Local Colleges and universities. To actively carry out risk identification, assessment, response and monitoring will be beneficial to the healthy and sustained development of local universities in teaching, scientific research and social services, and better service for local economy and social development.
There are many factors that lead to the risk of human resources in local colleges and universities, not only the reasons for the local colleges and universities themselves, but also the social environment and human resources. From the social environment level, the foreign educational service institutions have a strong impact on the domestic education market, and the higher education system and policy have restricted the manpower of the local colleges and universities. The development of resources and the low recognition of talents in local colleges and universities are generally low, which are the main social environmental factors that lead to the risk of human resources in local colleges and universities. From the level of local colleges and universities, the managers lack the scientific risk management concept, and can not meet the basic needs of people, and can not be provided to the vast talents. The development of space leads to the low efficiency of talent work and the inability to mobilize the enthusiasm of the talents, which causes the local colleges and universities to produce various risks in human resources. In addition, the human resources themselves can easily lead to the loss of talent from local colleges and universities to the local colleges and Universities, as well as the superior working environment, the academic atmosphere, the scientific research conditions and the development of space. The school brings risks and crises of human resources.
In order to resolve and avoid the risk of human resources in local colleges and universities, a series of measures should be taken from government to colleges and universities. First, the managers of local colleges and universities should firmly establish the concept of risk management and cultivate the ability of risk management. Secondly, the local government should strive to create a harmonious social market environment and promote the human resources. The market rules will flow orderly; thirdly, we should realize the transformation from the traditional personnel management system to the modern human resource management system as soon as possible, establish a strict talent introduction system and strengthen the training of talents. Finally, we should improve the existing salary distribution and performance appraisal system, stabilize the construction of the teachers' team, and promote the sustainable development of local colleges and universities. Improve the quality of higher education in our country in an all-round way.


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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