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发布时间:2018-07-27 20:48
【摘要】:高校后勤作为高等教育教学、科研的保障部门,能否充分发挥其职能直接影响到学校教学、科研工作的正常开展。近年来市场经济体制不断发展完善,社会需求层次不断提高,提高高校后勤经营能力,走向市场化,完成后勤社会化改革,是符合高等教育改革、发展的战略选择。 20余年来,高校后勤改革经过不断地实验、探索,发展到今天已取得了不错的成绩,但也应该看到由于高校后勤公益性与市场性兼具的特殊属性,改革过程复杂,推进缓慢,远跟不上高等教育、科研发展的需求。尤其随着矛盾、问题也逐渐增多,改革阻力加大,有的学校甚至退回到计划经济的管理模式,对改革极其不利。进一步推进高校后勤社会化改革的发展,必然需要分析高校后勤改革当前遇到的问题、问题形成的原因,结合现代市场运行规律寻找解决问题的办法及理论支持。 本文对z高校后勤集团的社会化改革过程中的问题和解决问题的措施进行了研究。文章采用调查研究法、文献检索法、实证分析法和比较分析法等研究方法,以高校后勤社会化改革现状为背景,对高校后勤社会化改革中目前运行较好的几种主要模式进行了比较分析。 本文研究了Z高校后勤社会化的经营模式,结合国情、青岛地方特点、Z高校校情,对现阶段Z高校高校后勤社会化改革存在的问题进行了研究,分析了影响高校后勤发展、制约Z高校后勤社会化经营的关键因素。从宏观环境、产权、市场、人力资源和战略管理等方面,逐一剖析了这些关键因素在Z高校后勤集团发展中产生的重大影响。以国内高校后勤社会化改革前瞻性理论基础为支撑,试图探索出一条符合Z高校实际情况,能满足Z高校教育发展需求与后勤集团发展需求的合理化思路。 本文提出的主要对策有:明确产权关系、进行多元化产权改革;构建开放、规范的高校后勤服务市场体系;多元化的经营方式以及构建新型后勤保障体系。希望这些研究能为z高校后勤集团进一步扩大企业规模、良性发展提供合理化建议。并且期待能为其他相同发展状况的高校提供有效建议。
[Abstract]:As the teaching of higher education and the guarantee department of scientific research, the logistics of colleges and universities can give full play to its function and directly affect the normal development of school teaching and scientific research work. In recent years, the market economy system has been continuously developed and perfected, and the level of social needs has been constantly raised. It is in line with the reform of higher education to improve the ability of logistics management in colleges and universities, to move towards marketization, and to complete the reform of socialization of logistics. The strategic choice for development. Over the past 20 years or so, the reform of logistics in colleges and universities has achieved good results through continuous experiments and explorations. However, it should also be seen that the special attributes of the public welfare and marketability of logistics in colleges and universities should also be seen. The reform process is complex and slow to advance, far from keeping up with the needs of higher education and scientific research development. Especially along with the contradiction, the question also increases gradually, the reform resistance increases, some schools even retreat to the planned economy management pattern, which is extremely unfavorable to the reform. To further promote the development of the socialization reform of the logistics in colleges and universities, it is necessary to analyze the problems encountered in the reform of the logistics in colleges and universities, the reasons for the formation of the problems, and to find solutions and theoretical support for the problems in combination with the rules of modern market operation. This paper studies the problems and measures to solve the problems in the socialization reform of z university logistics group. This paper adopts the methods of investigation and research, literature retrieval, empirical analysis and comparative analysis, and takes the present situation of logistics socialization reform in colleges and universities as the background. This paper makes a comparative analysis of several main modes in the reform of logistics socialization in colleges and universities. This paper studies the management mode of logistics socialization in Z colleges and universities, combines with the national conditions and the local characteristics of Qingdao, studies the problems existing in the reform of logistics socialization in Z colleges and universities at present, and analyzes the influence on the development of logistics in colleges and universities. The key factors restricting the socialization of logistics management in Z colleges and universities. From the macro environment, property rights, market, human resources and strategic management, this paper analyzes the important influence of these key factors in the development of Z university logistics group. Based on the forward-looking theory of the reform of logistics socialization in domestic colleges and universities, this paper attempts to find out a rational way of thinking which accords with the actual situation of Z colleges and universities and can meet the educational development needs of Z universities and the development needs of logistics groups. The main countermeasures put forward in this paper are: clarifying the property right relation, carrying on the reform of the diversified property right; constructing the open and standardized logistics service market system of colleges and universities; diversifying the management mode and constructing the new logistic guarantee system. It is hoped that these studies can provide reasonable suggestions for z-university logistics group to further expand the scale of enterprises and develop healthily. And look forward to providing effective advice for other universities in the same development situation.


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