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发布时间:2018-07-28 21:03
【摘要】:合作学习作为当今世界主要教学理论之一备受世界各国教育界的普遍重视。合作学习主要是为了使学生达到共同的学习目标,以小组为基本组织形式互相促进、共同进步的一种教学策略体系。学生共同进行小组学习时,相互分工协作、共享学习资料,完成自己学习任务的同时又能确保其他小组成员也同步完成。由此可见,合作学习一定程度上能促进社会支持(主要来自于课堂环境下的学生及老师的支持),提升学生的学习成绩。 本文主要采用的是定量研究的方法,通过问卷调查的形式开展研究。问卷采用的是Ghaith,Shaaban,和Harkous (2007)改编自Johnson和Johnson(1996)的课堂生活调查问卷,对来自于华中科技大学非英语专业的328位大二学生所感知的社会支持和合作学习情况进行了调查。该问卷包括两个部分,第一部分为调查者的基本信息及学习者合作学习情况的调查,第二部分为学习者所感知的社会支持的调查。 研究结果显示,学习者认为他们所感受到的社会支持从量上看从强到弱依次为同学情感支持,教师情感支持,教师学业支持,同学学术支持;学习者所感知到的同学情感帮助,同学学习帮助,教师情感帮助与教师学术帮助都与学习者的合作学习成正相关,而且相关性依次递减。同时研究结果进一步表明合作学习与学习者成绩呈正相关联系,可以促进学习者学习成绩,而社会支持与学习成绩无直接相关性显示;结合以往的研究结果及考虑到受不同语言文化背景的影响,本研究总结出以下几点结论:合作学习能显著提高学习者学习成绩、促进社会支持,而文化背景及语言环境的不同,对社会支持的作用也随之不同。因此,教师应该鼓励学生进行合作学习并加强师生间的交流,给予学生更多学习以及个人生活上的关心,在学生间营造互相尊重,互相信任,互相帮助,,互相的支持的和谐关系。
[Abstract]:Cooperative learning is one of the main teaching theories in the world. Cooperative learning is a kind of teaching strategy system which aims to make students achieve common learning goals and promote each other and make common progress in the form of group organization. When students work together in group learning, they work together to share learning materials, and at the same time, they can ensure that other group members can also complete their learning tasks simultaneously. It can be seen that cooperative learning can promote social support (mainly from students and teachers in classroom environment) and improve students' academic performance. This article mainly uses the quantitative research method, through the questionnaire form carries on the research. Ghaithan Shaaban and Harkous (2007), adapted from Johnson and Johnson (1996), investigated the social support and cooperative learning perceived by 328sophomores from non-English majors in Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part is a survey of the basic information of the investigators and the situation of learners' cooperative learning. The second part is a survey of the social support perceived by the learners. The results show that learners think that the social support they feel is students' emotional support, teachers' academic support, students' affective support perceived by learners, and the students' affective support perceived by learners. Students' learning help, teachers' affective help and teachers' academic help are positively correlated with learners' cooperative learning, and the correlation decreases in turn. At the same time, the results further show that cooperative learning has positive correlation with learners' achievement, which can promote learners' learning achievement, but social support has no direct correlation with learning achievement. Based on the results of previous studies and considering the influence of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds, this study concludes that cooperative learning can significantly improve learners' learning achievement and promote social support, while the cultural background and language environment are different. The role of social support is also different. Therefore, teachers should encourage students to cooperate in learning and strengthen communication between teachers and students, give students more study and concern for their personal lives, and create mutual respect, trust and help among students. A harmonious relationship that supports each other.


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1 郭书彩;;外语课堂合作学习中的情感与认知因素[J];国外外语教学;2002年02期

2 刘吉林;王坦;;合作学习中积极互赖的实验研究[J];教育学报;2005年06期




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