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发布时间:2018-07-29 19:38
【摘要】:摘要:民族危机意识是指作为历史主体的人对国家、社会历史的命运、前途、生存和发展潜在危机的自觉发现,并由此自警而产生强烈的历史使命感和通过自身积极的主观努力趋利避害,消除潜在危机的责任感。 通过调查,发现当代大学生绝大多数人担忧国家的前途命运和生存发展,但是对我国当前存在的潜在危机认识不够;对民族危机意识在观念上有一定认识,但缺少实际的行动,存在“知”与“行”不统一的现象;部分同学不关心时事,对于我国发展所处的国内国际环境不甚了解,从而误判形势,缺乏危机意识;甚至有极少数大学生对个人前途发展的担忧要远远超过对国家前途命运的担忧。 民族危机意识是大学生国防教育的重要内容之一,它具有深厚的历史传承性和现实警示性,要从历史与现代国际视野来加强大学生的民族危机意识教育。当前尤须加强国家意识、责任意识、国防安全、科技安全和经济安全等方面的教育。 大学生的民族危机意识教育是国防教育乃至整个高等教育的一个系统工程,要遵循高等教育学的基本规律,结合大学生的思想实际,围绕教育主题强化主导作用,渗透课堂教学强化培育环节,运用网络平台创新教育方式,借助活动载体提升教育效果。表2个,参考文献72篇。
[Abstract]:Abstract: the consciousness of national crisis refers to the conscious discovery of the potential crisis of the country, society, history, future, survival and development by the people as the main body of history. From this, a strong sense of historical mission and a sense of responsibility to eliminate potential crises are generated through their own positive subjective efforts to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Through the investigation, it is found that the vast majority of contemporary college students are worried about the future and fate of the country and their survival and development, but they do not have enough understanding of the potential crisis existing in our country at present, and have a certain understanding of the sense of national crisis, but lack of practical actions. Some students do not care about current affairs, do not understand the domestic and international environment of our country's development, so they misjudge the situation and lack the sense of crisis. Even a handful of college students are far more worried about their own future than about the country's future. The consciousness of national crisis is one of the important contents of national defense education for college students. It has profound historical inheritance and realistic warning. It is necessary to strengthen the education of national crisis consciousness of college students from the perspective of history and modern world. At present, we should strengthen the education of national consciousness, responsibility consciousness, national defense security, science and technology security and economic security. The education of national crisis consciousness of college students is a systematic project of national defense education and even the whole higher education. It is necessary to follow the basic law of higher education, combine the ideological reality of college students, and strengthen the leading role around the educational theme. Infiltrate classroom teaching to strengthen the cultivation link, use the network platform to innovate the way of education, with the help of activity carrier to improve the educational effect. Table 2, 72 references.


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