[Abstract]:University logistics group is the product of university education reform. It is the goal of university logistics development to change operation mechanism and establish modern enterprise management mode. As an advanced management method, budget management has been prevailing in western developed countries for a hundred years. However, due to various reasons, it started late in our country, and its application in university logistics group is even less. Based on the purpose of promoting the socialization reform process of university logistics group in our country, establishing the modern management mode of university logistics group and strengthening the budget management of university logistics group, this paper summarizes and generalizes the basic theory of budget management. This paper analyzes the present situation and necessity of budget management of university logistics group in our country, and puts forward the scheme of constructing budget management system of university logistics group. In the construction of the budget management system of the university logistics group, the connotation, principle and flow of the university logistics budget management are discussed, and in the budget management method of the university logistics group, the budget management goal of the university logistics group is compiled. Control methods and performance evaluation methods are described in detail. In a word, this paper combines the theories of economics, management, organizational behavior and institutional economics with the theory of budget management, and makes a systematic research on the logistics budget management system of colleges and universities from the two aspects of basic theory and applied theory. The purpose of this paper is to construct a budget management system which can be run, operated and effectively, so as to improve the management level of university logistics group and promote the development of university logistics group.
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