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发布时间:2018-08-01 08:30
【摘要】:高校的科研水平是一国科学技术实力的重要标志,高校的科研活动既能为提高教学质量、培养高层次人才创造基础条件,又能为社会经济发展提供最新的科技成果。高校的科研成果作为科研劳动的结晶,对其进行科学评价不仅是科研管理工作的重要组成部分,,又是监督、导向、反馈高校科研工作的重要手段。 本文首先对国内外高校科研成果评价相关研究进行梳理,阐述了平衡计分卡(Balanced Score Card,简称BSC)的相关理论,对其评价高校科研成果的可行性进行了分析。其次,构建基于平衡计分卡的高校科研成果评价指标体系,在明确评价目标、指标选取原则的基础上,借鉴BSC模型,结合高校科研成果评价的特点对BSC的四个维度进行修正,构造了科研经费、社会评价及认可度、科研实力、学习与成长四个层面,共18个主要评价指标。再次,采取层次分析法确定指标的权重,收集相关指标数据,确定评价标准,构建出具体的评价指标体系。最后,以F大学为案例,对F大学科研成果进行评价,并根据评价结果提出相关对策建议。 本文的创新点在于借鉴BSC的功能和结构,将高校的战略设定与科研成果评价有机结合,构建出适应高校科研发展的评价指标体系,帮助高校明确科研的方向及指导具体科研活动,为推动高校科研工作的发展及高校科研成果评价提供了新的思路。
[Abstract]:The level of scientific research in colleges and universities is an important symbol of a country's scientific and technological strength. The scientific research activities of colleges and universities can not only create basic conditions for improving teaching quality and cultivating high-level talents, but also provide the latest scientific and technological achievements for the development of social economy. As the crystallization of scientific research work, scientific evaluation is not only an important part of scientific research management, but also an important means to supervise, guide and feedback scientific research work in colleges and universities. This paper firstly combs the relevant research on the evaluation of scientific research achievement in colleges and universities at home and abroad, expounds the relevant theory of (Balanced Score Card, (balanced Scorecard for short), and analyzes the feasibility of evaluating the scientific research results of colleges and universities. Secondly, based on balanced scorecard, the evaluation index system of scientific research achievement in colleges and universities is constructed. On the basis of defining the evaluation objectives and selecting principles, using BSC model for reference, the four dimensions of BSC are revised in combination with the characteristics of evaluation of scientific research achievements in colleges and universities. This paper constructs four levels of scientific research funds, social evaluation and recognition, scientific research strength, learning and growth, a total of 18 main evaluation indicators. Thirdly, using AHP to determine the weight of the index, collect the relevant index data, determine the evaluation criteria, and build a specific evaluation index system. Finally, taking F University as a case, this paper evaluates the scientific research results of F University, and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions according to the evaluation results. The innovation of this paper lies in drawing lessons from the function and structure of BSC, combining the strategic setting of colleges and universities with the evaluation of scientific research results, and constructing an evaluation index system suitable for the development of scientific research in colleges and universities. To help colleges and universities clear the direction of scientific research and guide specific scientific research activities, to promote the development of scientific research in colleges and universities and the evaluation of scientific research results provide a new way of thinking.


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