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发布时间:2018-08-01 18:42
【摘要】:高校教师担负着高层次学术研究、知识创新和人才培养的重大社会责任,他们的素质以及专业水平的高低直接影响着我国人才的培养质量。如何提高高校教师的专业发展水平已经成为世界各国教师教育改革与发展的趋势与潮流。通过文献综述发现,有效提升高校教师专业发展的关键在于激发高校教师的内驱力,与各种外在驱动力形成合力才是促进教师专业发展的最佳途径。因此,探索高校教师专业发展内驱力的影响机制以及内驱力的影响因素,对于教师自身和高校建设就有着重要的理论意义及实践意义。 首先,本文在对内驱力理论、激励理论、人力资本理论以及社会资本理论进行系统梳理的基础上,界定了高校教师内驱力、激励形式、人力资本与社会资本的内涵,其中,潜变量内驱力由认知内驱力、自我提高内驱力、附属内驱力以及社会服务内驱力四个维度组成;潜变量激励形式由高校管理、薪酬福利、发展机会与精神激励四个维度构成;潜变量人力资本由知识和工作能力两个维度构成;潜变量社会资本由社会参与度、信任和网络特征三个维度构成。并在此基础上提出本研究的假设,即激励形式的四个维度对内驱力、人力资本和社会资本的各维度分别具有显著的正向影响;人力资本的两个维度对内驱力和社会资本的各维度分别具有显著地正向影响;社会资本的三个维度对内驱力各维度具有显著地正向影响;从而构建了江西省本科院校教师内驱力的原始理论模型。 其次,结合理论文献及现有量表,经过探索性因子分析与小样本测试,设计形成了江西省本科院校高校教师内驱力的量表。通过对江西省内5所本科高等院校(南昌大学、江西农业大学、江西师范大学、江西财经大学和南昌航空大学)的500名教师进行问卷调查,获得本研究的原始数据。运用SPSS16.0软件对数据进行信度和效度分析,验证性因子分析来检验各潜变量的构建效果,发现构建效果较理想。 再次,运用结构方程模型探讨高校采取的激励形式,高校教师的人力资本和社会资本与高校教师专业发展内驱力的关系。即利用软件AMOS7.0对所设定的原始理论模型进行检验,并根据结果对模型进行修正,形成了本研究的最佳模型,验证了激励形式、人力资本和社会资本与内驱力之间的关系,提出的部分假设得到了支持。研究发现,激励形式、人力资本、社会资本对于内驱力确实具有显著地正向影响作用,但是影响路径并不呈一一对应的关系,而是各有针对性和方向性,并且影响程度也不尽相同。 然后,利用各潜变量二阶模型中的路径系数来计算内驱力与社会资本的得分,运用对应分析来探讨高校教师专业发展内驱力与教师的学科,工龄,学历,职称,收入与社会资本之间的关系。结果显示,内驱力与工龄、学历和社会资本呈现显著的对应关系,并且工龄低、学历高、社会资本水平越高,教师的内驱力水平也越高。 最后,在以上实证分析的基础上,提出提升高校教师专业发展的内驱力的对策,主要有设计合理有效富有弹性的薪酬福利;加大培养力度,提供多种形式的发展机会;注重以信任导向的精神激励;激励机制要注重因人而异;鼓励高校教师社会资本的积累及运用。
[Abstract]:College teachers are responsible for the high level of academic research, the great social responsibility of knowledge innovation and talent training, their quality and professional level directly affect the quality of the training of Chinese talents. How to improve the professional development level of college teachers has become the trend and trend of the reform and development of teachers' Education in all countries. The literature review finds that the key to improve the professional development of college teachers is to stimulate the internal drive of college teachers and to form the best way to promote the professional development of teachers. Therefore, to explore the influence mechanism of the internal drive of the teachers' professional development and the influence factors of the internal drive, and to the teachers themselves and the high School construction has important theoretical and practical significance.
First, on the basis of the systematic combing of the theory of internal drive, incentive theory, human capital theory and social capital theory, this paper defines the connotation of internal drive, incentive form, human capital and social capital of university teachers, in which the internal drive of latent variables is driven by cognitive internal drive, self improvement, subsidiary drive and social suit. The four dimensions of the internal drive force are made up; the latent variable incentive form is composed of four dimensions of university management, salary and welfare, development opportunity and spiritual motivation; the latent variable human capital is composed of two dimensions of knowledge and work ability. The latent variable social capital is composed of three dimensions of social participation, trust and network characteristics. The four dimensions of the incentive form have significant positive effects on the internal drive, human capital and social capital, and the two dimensions of human capital have a significant positive impact on the internal drive and the social capital, and the three dimensions of the social capital have a significant effect on the internal drive dimensions. The original theoretical model of teacher's internal driving force in Jiangxi's undergraduate colleges is constructed.
Secondly, based on the theoretical literature and the existing scale, through exploratory factor analysis and small sample test, a scale of internal drive of university teachers in Jiangxi university has been designed, and 500 of the 5 universities in Jiangxi province (Nanchang University, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Jiangxi Normal University, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics and Nanchang Aeronautical University) The teacher carried out a questionnaire survey to obtain the original data of the study. Using the SPSS16.0 software to analyze the reliability and validity of the data, the confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the construction effect of the latent variables and found the construction effect was ideal.
Thirdly, the structure equation model is used to explore the incentive form of the University, the relationship between the human capital and the social capital of the university teachers and the internal drive of the college teachers' professional development. That is, using the software AMOS7.0 to test the original theoretical model, and to correct the model according to the results, the best model of this study is formed and verified. It is found that incentive forms, human capital and social capital have a significant positive impact on internal drive, but the influence path does not have a one-to-one corresponding relationship, but each is pertinent and directional. And the degree of influence is not the same.
Then, using the path coefficient in the two order model of the latent variable to calculate the score of the internal drive and social capital, the relationship between the internal drive of the professional development of the teachers and the subject of the teachers, the age, the education, the title, the income and the social capital are discussed. The results show that the internal drive and the working age, the education and the social capital show obvious With the corresponding relationship, and the low seniority, high academic qualifications and higher social capital, teachers' internal driving force is also higher.
Finally, on the basis of the above empirical analysis, this paper puts forward the Countermeasures of promoting the internal drive of the professional development of college teachers, mainly including the design of reasonable and effective and flexible salary and welfare, increasing the training strength, providing a variety of forms of development opportunities, focusing on the spiritual incentive with trust oriented; the incentive mechanism should pay attention to different people, and encourage the teaching of colleges and universities. The accumulation and application of the social capital of the teacher.


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