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发布时间:2018-08-03 08:43
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has not only changed people's way of life, but also become an important channel and platform for college students to study, entertain, discuss, communicate and offer advice. The Internet itself has the characteristics of concealment and openness, which makes the positive and healthy university network public opinion can guide people correctly, but the network is also full of false and bad information. This kind of public opinion information has negative influence on the overall situation of Xinjiang unity and stability. College students in Xinjiang have more active thinking and are prone to fluctuations. The occurrence and trend of network public opinion is the key factor to maintain the stability of colleges and universities, but also related to the peace and harmony of Xinjiang. Therefore, considering the internal and external factors of Xinjiang universities as a whole, we should actively study the current situation and problems of network public opinion, so as to put forward effective guiding strategies and approaches. This paper is composed of six chapters, the first chapter is the introduction part, this part respectively explains the research background, research status, research significance and research methods; the second chapter mainly covers the connotation of university network public opinion. The third chapter analyzes the current situation of network public opinion in Xinjiang colleges and universities by means of questionnaire survey and follow-up observation. After the "522 incident" occurred in Urumqi, the guiding countermeasures made by the relevant government departments and Xinjiang colleges and universities were demonstrated by the method of typical case analysis. The fourth chapter combs the opportunities and challenges in the guidance of network public opinion in Xinjiang colleges and universities by using the method of SWOT analysis, analyzes comprehensively the internal and external factors, and emphatically explains the disadvantages and problems of the network public opinion guidance in Xinjiang colleges and universities at present. In the fifth chapter, according to the guiding principle, Xinjiang colleges and universities strengthen the construction of network public opinion guiding platform. To strengthen the construction of leading team and to cultivate college students to form good media literacy in the course of teaching, this paper mainly expounds how to construct the effective guiding strategy and approach of network public opinion in Xinjiang universities. On the basis of the results of the first five chapters and the actual situation of Xinjiang universities, the sixth chapter draws the conclusion of the article and points out the deficiency of the research and the direction and emphasis of the future research.


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