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发布时间:2018-08-03 12:15
【摘要】:近年来,网络媒体越来越关注有关高校教师的新闻,但相关报道以负面居多,且以偏概全,出现了网络污名化现象。网络新闻中出现高校教师媒介形象污名化现象,既有损高校教师的整体形象,妨碍高教工作的顺利开展,又会引发社会公众对高校教师的质疑,特别是削弱高校学生对高校教师的认可度,同时,网络媒体大肆报道高校教师个体的负面行为,也有违高校教师群体的整体状况,降低了网络媒体的公信力。 研究选取门户网站中的新浪网、新闻网站中的人民网作为研究对象,选取两家网站2012年全年关于高校教师的报道作为研究样本,通过定量和定性的研究与分析,发现网络媒体关于高校教师的报道呈现负面化倾向,,而各类负面报道给高校教师贴上了“学术腐败”、“淫乱色魔”、“利欲熏心”、“教学低劣”、“不负责任”、“贪图名利”等污名化标签。究其原因,一是个别高校教师在现实生活中确实存在不足之处,让网络媒体对其进行新闻批评成为了可能;二是高校教师群体科研、工作压力大,忙于传道授业与自我提升,公关意识匮乏,不重视网络媒体的负面报道,很少回应,甚至出现了“集体失语”的现象;三是网络媒体在白热化的市场竞争中,聚焦有关高校教师的负面新闻,以满足受众的猎奇心理;四是网络媒体的从业人员受教师“圣贤楷模”、“安贫乐道”等刻板印象的影响,在新闻报道中将高校教师在现实生活中的行为偏差与固有印象进行对比并且扩大化。 要改变网络新闻中高校教师媒介形象的污名化现象,高校教师要充分认识到网络污名化现象所带来的负面影响,端正言行,树立公关意识,积极回应网络媒体的片面报道;公众则需尽量避免刻板印象的影响,理性对待高校教师不足之处,辩证地看待媒体报道;就网络新闻媒体而言,则需增强社会责任感,以全面、真实地反映高校教师的群体形象作为准则,如实还原高校教师群体的真实形象。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the network media pay more and more attention to the news about university teachers, but the related reports are mostly negative, partial, and appear the phenomenon of network stigmatization. The appearance of the media image of university teachers in the network news not only damages the overall image of university teachers, hinders the smooth development of higher education work, but also causes the public to question university teachers. In particular, it weakens the recognition of college teachers by college students, and at the same time, the network media report on the negative behaviors of individual teachers in colleges and universities, which also violates the overall situation of teachers in colleges and universities, and reduces the credibility of the network media. The study selects Sina.com in the portal website, people's net in the news website as the research object, selects two websites to report about the university teacher in the whole year of 2012 as the research sample, through quantitative and qualitative research and analysis, It is found that the network media reports on college teachers have a negative tendency, while all kinds of negative reports have labeled college teachers "academic corruption", "obscenity", "desire for profit", "poor teaching" and "irresponsible". Tarnishing labels such as "seeking fame and fortune". The reasons are: first, individual college teachers do have some shortcomings in real life, which makes it possible for the network media to criticize them; second, the group of university teachers is scientific research, work pressure is great, they are busy preaching, teaching and self-promotion. Lack of awareness of public relations, lack of attention to negative reports from network media, little response, or even the phenomenon of "collective aphasia"; third, network media focus on negative news about teachers in colleges and universities in the fierce market competition. The fourth is that the practitioners of the network media are influenced by the stereotype of teachers, such as "sage model", "peace and happiness", etc. In the news report, the behavior deviation of college teachers in real life is compared and enlarged. In order to change the stigma of the media image of college teachers in the network news, the university teachers should fully realize the negative influence brought by the network stigma, correct their words and deeds, set up the public relations consciousness, and respond positively to the one-sided report of the network media. On the other hand, the public should avoid the influence of stereotype as far as possible, treat teachers' shortcomings rationally and treat media reports dialectically. As far as the network news media are concerned, it is necessary to enhance the sense of social responsibility in order to be comprehensive. It reflects the group image of college teachers as a criterion and truthfully restores the true image of college teachers.


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