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发布时间:2018-08-03 21:58
【摘要】:高校德育在适应和促进社会发展的同时,也必须适应和促进教育对象的发展,在坚持不断增强其社会适应性的同时坚持不断增强其个体适应性。这是高校德育的一大基本原则。在中国社会急剧转型的背景下,面对在全球化、网络化环境中成长起来的“90后”大学生群体,高校德育面临着许多新问题、新挑战,个体适应性亟待增强。因此,从德育原则角度加强对高校德育个体适应性的研究就具有十分重要的理论意义和较强的现实意义。 高校德育的个体适应性是指高校德育必须适应大学生个体品质发展的需要,适应其年龄特征、个性特点和思想品德的实际情况,通过教育和引导,将社会的要求转化为大学生个体的需要、动机和行为品质,使其形成相应的社会实践能力。坚持个体适应性原则,最根本的是要适应人的品德发展规律和大学生生理、心理特点及成长发展需求,坚持适应与引导、适应与超越、个体适应性与社会适应性三个方面的有机统一。通过对建国到改革开放初期高校德育实践的历史轨迹的反思,不论是汲取成功的经验,还是总结失误的教训,历史一再表明高校德育必须始终坚定不移地坚持个体适应性这一原则。对社会现代化要求的回应、对高等教育改革新浪潮的顺应和“90后”大学生新特点的关照成为高校德育坚持个体适应性原则的时代诉求。当前高校德育在坚持个体适应性原则方面进行了探索,尽管取得了较为丰富的理论成果和实践经验,但在价值取向、教育目标、内容及方法等方面仍存在着与个体适应性原则要求不相符合的问题。新时期的高校德育只有始终坚持以人为本的价值取向、预设富有层次性的科学目标、构建具有多样性的内容体系、探索彰显主体性的德育方法,才能始终坚持个体适应性原则,不断推进高校德育工作的科学发展。
[Abstract]:Moral education in colleges and universities should adapt to and promote the development of social development, but also adapt to and promote the development of educational objects. This is a basic principle of moral education in colleges and universities. Under the background of the rapid transformation of Chinese society, in the face of the "post-90s" college students who have grown up in the globalized and networked environment, moral education in colleges and universities is facing many new problems, new challenges, and the individual adaptability needs to be enhanced. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the research on the individual adaptability of moral education in colleges and universities from the perspective of moral education principles. The individual adaptability of moral education in colleges and universities means that moral education in colleges and universities must adapt to the needs of the development of college students' individual quality, the characteristics of their age, personality and ideology, and guide them through education and guidance. The social requirements are transformed into the individual needs, motivations and behavioral qualities of college students, so as to form the corresponding social practical ability. To adhere to the principle of individual adaptability, it is essential to adapt to the law of human moral development and the physiological and psychological characteristics of college students and the needs of their growth and development, to adhere to the principles of adaptation and guidance, to adapt and transcend. The organic unity of individual adaptability and social adaptability. Through the reflection on the historical track of moral education practice in colleges and universities from the founding of the people's Republic of China to the early stage of reform and opening up, whether it is to draw successful experiences or to sum up the lessons of mistakes, History has repeatedly shown that moral education in colleges and universities must firmly adhere to the principle of individual adaptability. The response to the demands of social modernization, the adaptation to the new tide of higher education reform and the care of the new characteristics of the "post-90s" college students have become the demands of the times for moral education in colleges and universities to adhere to the principle of individual adaptability. At present, moral education in colleges and universities has carried on the exploration in the aspect of adhering to the principle of individual adaptability. Although it has obtained rich theoretical achievements and practical experience, it has achieved a great deal in value orientation and educational goal. There are still some problems in content and method which are inconsistent with individual adaptability principle. The moral education in colleges and universities in the new era can always adhere to the principle of individual adaptability only by adhering to the value orientation of people-oriented, presupposing the scientific goal with rich levels, constructing a diversified content system, and exploring the moral education methods that highlight the subjectivity. We will continue to promote the scientific development of moral education in colleges and universities.


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