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发布时间:2018-08-06 09:09
【摘要】:我国自20世纪90年代开始实施校本培训,校本培训在我国一直是一个备受学校和教育部门关注的热点话题,它以其目标的直接指向性、组织的自我主体性、内容的现实针对性、方式的灵活多样性,被各级各类学校所追崇,通过实施的效果表明,校本培训对教师在职教育起着重要的作用。我国许多专家、学者从各个角度对校本培训这一课题进行卓有成效的探讨,涉及的范围比较广,其理论研究也趋向成熟。但校本培训工作在落实过程中缺乏操作性、实效性的创新型校本培训模式,实践发现校本培训工作只有突破瓶颈才能发挥其最大作用,因此构建一个具有实践性、实效性的校本培训模式是非常有必要的,也是落实校本培训工作的关键。“个案诊断式”校本培训模式是一个具有操作性、实效性的培训模式,它有利于提高教师的教学监控能力,有利于促进教师专业发展,有利于提高教师的反思能力,有利于提高教师集体协作的水平。开展“个案诊断式”校本培训旨在提高教师的计划与准备能力、教学组织与管理能力、教学内容与实施能力、教学的沟通与交流能力、教师的反思与反馈能力。研究以文献法、比较法、实验法展开。 “个案诊断式”校本培训的理论依据是建构主义理论和第四代教育评价理论。而实施“个案诊断式”校本培训的学校内部优质教师资源、学校自身发展的要求、良好的外部环境、学校内部硬件设施则是“个案诊断式”校本培训的现实依据。 “个案诊断式”校本培训构成涉及了培训者、培训对象、培训的内容与手段。其主要特征表现为,以“教师发展为本”展开培训评价。培训是在不断的了解教师课堂教学现状的基础上,及时发现和纠正课堂教学中出现的问题,有的放矢的制定教师个人发展规划;以“互相尊重,相互平等”形成培训评价关系。“个案诊断式”校本培训模式的评价是平等地位展开评价的,双方共同承担评价过程和责任,所以培训的评价要由双方协商,是以“平等、尊重、探讨、积极”为特征的评价,形成了合作伙伴关系;以“形成性评价”推进培训活动过程。“个案诊断式”校本培训的培训,,虽然也关注培训效果,但培训效果的关注点在于实施的过程,特别是细节。形成性评价的开展促进对生成问题的解决,能够及时调整预先设定的各种目标,使课堂更有效;以“个体内差异评价”为主的培训评价方法。有效的消除教师培训中的心理焦虑。 “个案诊断式”校本培训的模式在培训评价中主要采用个体内差异评价,被培训者自身能够感受到在培训过程中取得阶段性的进步、培训组不断对其鼓励,实施积极评价,能够增加被培训者的信心,使其发展方向更为明确,发展意志更为坚定,为教师的终身学习、终身提高打下坚实的基础。 “个案诊断式”校本培训的实施原则是,实效性、灵活性、信息全程性、伦理性。在培训过程中采用CIPP模式推进培训进程。即培训目标的制定、培训方案的设计、培训活动的过程、培训活动的评价。其中干预措施包含,教育教学技能培训、现场指导技术、开展大型面谈等。实施保障涉及到培训氛围的营造、培训制度的建立、培训资料的管理。 采用干预实验的方法验证“个案诊断式”校本培训的有效性。发现实验组教师教学监控能力在实施实验的前后变化比较明显,教师都在原有水平的基础上取得一定的进步,但进步的幅度差别较大。
[Abstract]:School-based training has been carried out in China since 1990s, and school-based training has been a hot topic in our country and education department. It is directed by its objectives, self-organization of organization, realistic pertinence of content, and flexible diversity of ways. It is respected by all kinds of schools and through the implementation effect table. School based training plays an important role in the on-the-job education of teachers. Many experts and scholars in our country have made a fruitful discussion on the subject of school-based training from various angles. The scope of the school based training is wide and its theoretical research is mature. However, the school based training is lack of operational and effective and innovative school-based training in the implementation process. In practice, it is found that the school based training work can play its most important role only when it breaks through the bottleneck. Therefore, it is very necessary to build a practical and effective school-based training model. It is also the key to the implementation of school-based training. "Case diagnosis" school-based training model is an operational and effective training model. It is beneficial to improve teachers' teaching monitoring ability, to promote teachers' professional development, to improve teachers' reflective ability and to improve the level of teachers' collective cooperation. The ability of communication and communication, and the ability of teachers to reflect and feedback are studied.
The theoretical basis of the school-based training of "case diagnosis" is the theory of constructivism and the fourth generation of education evaluation theory. The high quality teachers' resources in the school based on the case diagnosis school based training, the requirements of the development of the school itself, the good external environment, and the implementation of the internal hardware of the school are the reality of the "case diagnosis" school-based training. Basis.
The "case diagnosis" school-based training involves the trainers, the training objects, the content and the means of the training. The main characteristics of the training are as follows: "teacher development based" training evaluation. Training is on the basis of the continuous understanding of the present situation of teachers' classroom teaching, and timely discovery and correction of problems in the classroom teaching, and a definite target The teacher's personal development plan is formulated and the training evaluation relationship is formed by "mutual respect and mutual equality". The evaluation of the school-based training model of "case diagnosis" is equal and the two sides jointly undertake the evaluation process and responsibility. Therefore, the evaluation of the training should be carried out by the two parties, which is characterized by "equality, respect, discussion and positive". The evaluation has formed a partnership; the training process is promoted by "formative evaluation". The training of "case diagnostic" school-based training is also concerned with the effect of training, but the focus of the training effect is on the process of implementation, especially the details. The development of the formative evaluation promotes the solution of the generation problem and can be adjusted in time. Various goals set in advance make the classroom more effective; the training evaluation method based on "individual difference evaluation" is an effective way to effectively eliminate psychological anxiety in teacher training.
The model of "case diagnosis" school-based training mainly adopts individual difference evaluation in the training evaluation. The trainees can feel the progress in the training process themselves. The training group will encourage them and carry out positive evaluation, which can increase the confidence of the trainees, make the development direction more clear and develop the will more. For a firm purpose, lay a solid foundation for teachers' lifelong learning and lifelong improvement.
The implementation principles of the "case diagnostic" school-based training are effectiveness, flexibility, full information and ethics. In the course of training, the CIPP mode is used to promote the training process. Guidance techniques, large-scale interviews, etc. The implementation of security involves the creation of training atmosphere, the establishment of training system, the management of training materials.
The effectiveness of the "case diagnosis" school-based training is verified by the method of intervention experiments. It is found that the teaching monitoring ability of the teachers in the experimental group changes obviously before and after the implementation of the experiment, and the teachers have made certain progress on the basis of the original level, but the difference of the progress is quite different.


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