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发布时间:2018-08-12 11:05
【摘要】:在学生发展过程中,明确而系统的目标能够起到导向与自我激励作用,大学生制定目标、实施目标、检查与评价目标的过程亦即向着目标不断前进、反思和提升的过程。目标管理与自主发展二者彼此影响,相互促进。 大学生的自主发展目标管理是指大学生为实现身心发展和自身价值,根据社会现实和自身需求,以及高等教育培养目标,通过制定目标、实施目标、检查目标、评估目标所展开的一系列自我管理活动。深入调查大学生的自主发展目标管理行为,有助于我们更具体地了解大学生目标管理现状,发现其中存在的问题,进而有针对性地为学生寻找相应的解决对策,帮助大学生提高自身的目标管理能力,更好地发展自我。 对Q师范大学500名全日制大学本科生的目标管理行为进行问卷调查发现,大学生在自主发展目标管理方面确实存在一些问题。这些问题主要表现在:目标管理意识不强,缺乏恒心;目标管理能力不足,,目标确立缺乏科学性;目标实现缺乏动力,身心倦怠。问题成因主要在于:个人自身能动性不足,缺乏明确的自我发展规划;学校管理理念与体制失衡,目标教育体系不健全;家庭文化缺失,教育功利性强;社会多元价值文化的冲击等。 大学生自主发展目标管理是个长期系统的过程,应当用整体长远的眼光来规划设计并加强管理,具体可参照下列行动建议:历练大学生自主发展目标管理能力,包括目标设计能力、调适能力、检查与评价能力;积极发挥高校对大学生自主发展的引导作用,通过校园文化、教师和同侪群体的引领,帮助大学生构建并实现自主发展目标;重视家庭及社会对大学生自主发展的激励。只有大学生个人、高校、家庭和社会形成教育合力,才能真正实现大学生全面、自由、健康、和谐的发展。
[Abstract]:In the process of students' development, clear and systematic goals can play a guiding and self-motivation role. The process of setting goals, implementing goals, checking and evaluating goals is the process of constantly advancing, reflecting and promoting the goals. Objective management and independent development affect each other and promote each other. The goal management of college students' independent development means that in order to realize their physical and mental development and their own value, according to the social reality and their own needs, as well as the cultivation goal of higher education, the university students can establish, implement and inspect the goals. Assess a range of self-management activities carried out by the target. It is helpful for us to understand the current situation of college students' goal management, to find out the existing problems, and then to find out the corresponding solutions for the students by deeply investigating the self-development goal management behavior of college students, which is helpful for us to understand the current situation of university students' goal management more concretely. Help college students to improve their own ability of goal management, better development of themselves. A questionnaire survey on the goal-oriented management behavior of 500 full-time undergraduates in Q normal University shows that there are some problems in the self-development goal management of college students. These problems are mainly reflected in: lack of awareness of goal management, lack of persistence, insufficient ability of goal management, lack of scientific goal establishment, lack of motivation for goal realization and burnout of body and mind. The main causes of the problems are: the lack of individual initiative, lack of clear self-development plan; the school management concept and system imbalance, the target education system is not perfect; the lack of family culture, strong utilitarian education; The impact of social pluralistic value culture and so on. The goal management of college students' independent development is a long-term systematic process. We should plan and design and strengthen the management with the overall long-term perspective. The following action suggestions can be consulted in detail: practicing college students' ability of self-development goal management. It includes the ability of goal design, adjustment, inspection and evaluation, actively exerting the guiding role of colleges and universities to the independent development of college students, and helping college students to build and realize the goal of independent development through the guidance of campus culture, teachers and peer groups. Attach importance to the family and society to encourage the independent development of college students. Only when the individual, college, family and society form an educational joint force, can college students develop in an all-round, free, healthy and harmonious way.


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