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发布时间:2018-08-14 16:12
【摘要】:大学党委书记的角色和素质问题关系到高校内部治理结构的完善,关系到教育家办学理想的实现,是一个非常重要的理论和实践问题。在宏观层面,大学党委书记应该成为“懂教育的政治家和讲政治的教育家”,这是由大学党委书记的角色特点、现代大学的发展特点和建设世界一流大学的要求决定的。这要求大学党委书记在办学实践中,需要让政治与教育保持平衡,让理论和实践深度融合,让职业与志业走向统一。在微观层面,大学党委书记是大学决策的“掌舵人”,是大学的“一把手”,是大学教育思想的“引路人”,是大学社会公关工作的“把关人”。这对大学党委书记的政治素质、教育素质、学术素质及人文素质提出了很高的要求。 通过对34所“985工程”大学官方网站的调查发现,大学党委书记的角色行为具有明显的个体差异性,参与政治活动较多,参与了不少行政管理工作,参与高等教育研究的学术活动较少,“走出去”的活动较为有限。通过对34位大学党委书记素质现状的调查发现,现任大学党委书记整体学术水平不高,对大学的学术发展规律把握深度不够;对高等教育研究重视不够,缺乏先进的教育理念;多行业、多部门的历练不足,缺少政治家的眼界和气魄;学科背景较为单一,缺乏广博的人文知识素养。 由此可见,目前我国大学党委书记的角色行为和素质现状与理想要求还存在一定的落差。如欲消除或减小这个落差,就必须进一步完善党委领导下的校长负责制,用制度和机制来约束大学党委书记的行为;就必须落实大学办学自主权,改革大学党委书记的选拔机制,加强对大学党委书记的管理专业化培训。只有多管齐下,才能使大学党委书记成为“懂教育的政治家和讲政治的教育家”,才能使其在创建世界一流大学的过程中发挥应有的作用。
[Abstract]:The role and quality of the Party secretary of the university is a very important theoretical and practical problem, which is related to the perfection of the internal governance structure of the university and the realization of the ideal of the educator in running a school. On the macro level, the party secretary of a university should become a politician who understands education and an educator who stresses politics. This is determined by the role of party secretary, the development of modern university and the requirement of building a world-class university. This requires the Party secretary of a university to keep a balance between politics and education, to integrate theory and practice, and to unify career and ambition in the practice of running a school. On the micro level, the party secretary of the university is the "leader" of the university decision-making, the "leader" of the university, the "guide" of the university education thought, and the "gatekeeper" of the social public relations work of the university. This puts forward high requirements for the political quality, educational quality, academic quality and humanistic quality of the Party secretary of the university. Through the investigation of the official websites of 34 "985 Project" universities, it is found that the role behavior of party committee secretaries in universities has obvious individual differences, they are more involved in political activities, and they have participated in a lot of administrative work. There are few academic activities involved in higher education research, and a limited number of "going out" activities. Through the investigation of the quality of 34 Party committee secretaries in universities, it is found that the overall academic level of the current Party committee secretaries is not high, the depth of understanding of the academic development laws of the universities is not enough, the research on higher education is not paid enough attention to, and the advanced educational ideas are lacking. Lack of experience, lack of statesmen, lack of a single academic background, lack of extensive humanities literacy. It can be seen that there is still a certain gap between the present situation and ideal requirements of the role, behavior and quality of Party committee secretaries in Chinese universities. If this gap is to be eliminated or reduced, it is necessary to further improve the system of president responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee, to use systems and mechanisms to restrain the behavior of party secretaries of universities, and to implement the autonomy of universities in running schools. To reform the selection mechanism of the Party secretary of the university and strengthen the professional training of the management of the Party secretary of the university. Only by taking a multi-pronged approach can the party secretary of the university become a politician who understands education and an educator who stresses politics, and can he play its due role in the process of establishing a world-class university.


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