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发布时间:2018-08-14 18:30
【摘要】:独立学院作为一种全新的办学模式,是我国高等教育从精英教育向大众化教育改革的重要产物,是我国高等教育的重要补充,已成为我国高等教育的重要组成部份,是我国高等教育改革的一次大胆尝试,具有跨时代的非凡意义。从1999年第一所独立学院成立到今,独立学院发展迅速,办学规模不断扩大,同时也因发展时间短,存在一些亟待解决的影响独立学院发展的问题,独立学院的建设问题引起了社会各界的广泛关注。 辅导员队伍建设一直是独立学院建设中的一个重点,也是一个难点。辅导员队伍是独立学院大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是学院学风建设的实施者,是学院正常教学秩序的维护者,担负着学生思想政治教育、心理辅导、生涯规划、就业指导等工作。这就对独立学院辅导员队伍有很高的要求,要求他们必须具备较高的政治理论水平,广博的知识,一定的科研能力。辅导员队伍不简单的是日常工作的推动者,他们更多的要追求把学生培养成更加优秀的社会主义事业建设者和接班人。 打造一支思想素质过硬、业务能力较强、专业化程度高的辅导员队伍所需要的各种资源问题与独立学院有限的资源配置能力问题形成了影响独立学院辅导员队伍建设的主要矛盾。如何平衡这个矛盾,并逐渐解决这个矛盾,是独立学院辅导员队伍建设中必须思考的问题。只有很好地解决了这个问题,才能改变现在独立学院辅导员队伍流动性大、专业程度低、结构不合理、作用发挥不明显的问题。 本文对重庆市4所独立学院辅导员队伍现状进行了描述,并对存在问题原因就行了深入剖析,并根据这些问题成因,提出了通过提高辅导员社会地位、福利待遇吸引优秀人才;通过解决辅导员出路问题、职称评聘问题,留住优秀人才,通过各种培训、参观学习提高队伍专业化程度;通过物质激励、精神奖励激励人才的建议。逐步打造一支思想素质过硬、业务能力强、专业化程度高的辅导员队伍,并保证老中青合理配置,让辅导员队伍能够正常地新陈代谢,人才不至于断层。
[Abstract]:Independent college, as a new mode of running a school, is an important product of the reform of higher education from elite education to popular education in China. It is an important supplement to higher education in China. It has become an important part of higher education in China. It is a bold attempt to reform higher education in China. It is of great significance across the times since 1999. Since the founding of the first independent college, the independent college has developed rapidly and its scale has been expanding. At the same time, due to the short development time, there are some problems that need to be solved urgently which affect the development of the independent college.
Counselors are the backbone of the ideological and political education of independent college students, the implementers of the style of study, the maintainers of the normal teaching order of the college, the ideological and political education of students, psychological counseling, career planning, employment. Guidance and other work, which has a high requirement for the independent college counselors, requires them to have a higher level of political theory, broad knowledge, certain scientific research ability. And successors.
The main contradiction affecting the construction of counselors in independent colleges is the resource problems needed to build a team of counselors with excellent ideological quality, strong professional ability and high degree of specialization. Only by solving this problem well, can we change the problems of large mobility, low professional level, unreasonable structure and inconspicuous function of counselors in independent colleges.
This paper describes the status quo of the counselors in four independent colleges in Chongqing, and analyzes the reasons for the problems. According to the causes of these problems, it puts forward that the social status of counselors should be improved and the welfare benefits should be paid to attract excellent talents; the way out for counselors should be solved, the title of Counselors should be evaluated and appointed, and the outstanding talents should be retained. All kinds of training, visiting and learning to improve the professionalization of the team; through material incentives, spiritual incentives to encourage talent suggestions.


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