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发布时间:2018-08-16 16:05
[Abstract]:The differences of political system and educational thoughts between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait over the past decades have made the younger generation have different cognition and development of gender roles. This study uses quantitative research method to find out the development of gender roles of college students in mainland China and Taiwan: (1) female traits of college students on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are higher than those of men, and those of mainland students are higher than those of Taiwan. (2) there is a significant difference between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. (3) there is a significant difference between the two sides. The proportion of undifferentiated and undifferentiated students is about one third, while the proportion of undifferentiated university students in Taiwan is more than half, and the proportion of bisexuality and unsexism is less. (4) the development of gender roles in mainland China is better than that in Taiwan. There are significant differences in the distribution of gender roles between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. (5) background factors affect the development of gender roles of college students.
【作者单位】: 苏州大学教育学院;


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