[Abstract]:Values guide people's behavior and norms, and subconsciously influence people's behavior judgment and choice. The ultimate goal of constructing the scientific values is to combine the transformation of the subjective world with the objective world through the transformation of the subjective world so as to achieve the purpose of better transforming the objective world. Nowadays, the environment at home and abroad has undergone profound changes, which is bound to have a certain impact on people's values. College students are the backbone of the country's future development. Scientific and correct values are of great significance to the growth of contemporary college students. It is the key to the success of contemporary college students and the cornerstone of personal happiness. How to construct the scientific values of contemporary college students has become the focus of attention. In this paper, the concept of value is taken as the starting point, the relationship between value and value is compared, the connotation of scientific values is clarified, and the characteristics and functions of scientific values are pointed out. Secondly, through the literature summarized the status quo of contemporary college students' values, including aggressive, optimistic and upward mainstream value orientation, as well as the main problems. In view of the problems existing in the values of contemporary college students, this paper makes a thorough analysis of the representation of the problems by using the basic principles of Marxism, reveals its essence and clarifies the harm. Thirdly, this paper analyzes the causes of the contemporary college students' values, and expounds the significance of constructing the contemporary college students' scientific values. Finally, the feasibility of constructing the scientific values of contemporary college students is analyzed. From the classical works of Marx, we seek the theoretical basis for constructing the scientific values of contemporary college students, and discuss the inheritance and development of Marxist values by successive party and state leaders. As well as the important enlightenment of Marxist values to the construction of scientific values of contemporary college students, the comprehensive countermeasures of constructing scientific values are put forward from the angles of country, family, school, society and college students respectively.
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