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发布时间:2018-08-18 11:00
【摘要】:任何时代都有属于它自己的时代精神,进入新时期,改革开放在改变着社会整体面貌的同时也在改变着时代精神的内涵,形成了不同以往的时代精神。新时期时代精神是当今中国社会主流思想、价值观的最集中体现,是推动我国各族人民,为全面建成小康社会、构建社会主义和谐社会、实现社会主义现代化建设的强大精神动力。 大学生是未来我国社会主义事业的建设者,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要力量。他们代表着中国的未来,肩负着民族复兴的伟大使命。研究新时期以改革创新为核心的时代精神是新时期实现“中国梦”的需要,也是大学生自身健康成长的需要。 本文共分五部分: 第一部分,挖掘了新时期时代精神概念的理论资源,并对新时期时代精神的涵义、基本内容提供了理论根据。 第二部分,围绕新时期时代精神的核心内容,对理论创新、制度创新、科技创新、文化创新进行解释,分析了新时期时代精神的基本特性。 第三部分,根据研究思路,在全球化发展的背景下对新时期大学生应具备的时代精神进行定位。 第四部分,作为哲学的范畴,对新时期大学生时代精神价值进行分析。大学生时代精神对于他们来说具有社会价值和个人价值。 第五部分,新时期大学生时代精神构建的基本思路和实现路径。作者从研究思路和研究文献的基础上给予新时期大学生时代精神构建的基本思路和实现路径提出个人的几点意见。
[Abstract]:Any era has its own spirit of the times, entering a new period, reform and opening up not only changes the overall face of society, but also changes the connotation of the spirit of the times, forming a different spirit of the times. The spirit of the new era is the mainstream thought and the most concentrated embodiment of the values in the present Chinese society. It is to promote the people of all ethnic groups in our country, to build a well-off society in an all-round way and to build a harmonious socialist society. To realize the socialist modernization drive. College students are the builders of the future socialist cause and the important force to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. They represent the future of China and shoulder the great mission of national rejuvenation. It is necessary to realize "Chinese Dream" in the new period, and it is also the need for the healthy growth of college students to study the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core in the new period. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part excavates the theoretical resources of the concept of the spirit of the new era, and provides the theoretical basis for the meaning and the basic content of the spirit of the new era. The second part, focusing on the core content of the spirit of the new era, explains the theoretical innovation, institutional innovation, scientific and technological innovation and cultural innovation, and analyzes the basic characteristics of the spirit of the new era. The third part, according to the research thought, under the globalization development background, carries on the localization to the new period university student should have the time spirit. The fourth part, as the category of philosophy, analyzes the spiritual value of college students in the new period. The spirit of college students has social value and personal value for them. The fifth part, the new era of college students spirit of the basic ideas and realization path. Based on the research ideas and literature, the author puts forward some personal suggestions on the construction of the spirit of the times of college students in the new period.


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