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发布时间:2018-08-19 09:23
【摘要】:高校辅导员作为高校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,是与学生交流最多,对学生影响最广的职业群体之一,其综合素质和工作状态对高校的人才培养质量至关重要。经济社会转型时期里高校教育体制和日常管理的改革变迁,教师和干部的双重身份以及现实工作的特殊性和复杂性等多个方面因素对高校辅导员岗位提出了更高的职业要求,工作压力不断增加的同时高校辅导员工作满意度逐渐下降,工作倦怠日益严重,其结果影响了高校辅导员的日常工作,并成为制约大学生人才培养质量的瓶颈之一。 本文通过大量的文献回顾,总结了工作压力、工作满意度、工作倦怠的相关理论,明确了研究的关系模型,提出了相应的研究假设。采用问卷调查的方式,对中山市高校辅导员的工作压力、工作满意度、工作倦怠进行调研,共发放问卷160份,回收有效问卷128份,有效回收率为80%。运用实证方法检验各量表的信度和效度,对工作压力自编量表的因子结构进行验证;了解中山市高校辅导员工作压力、工作满意度、工作倦怠的结构与现况;探讨人口学变量对工作压力、工作满意度、工作倦怠的影响;分析工作压力与工作满意度,工作压力与工作倦怠的关系,建构三者之间的结构模型;并从学校和个人两个方面提出压力管理的策略。根据本研究的结果得出如下结论: (1)中山市高校辅导员工作压力由工作保障、工作负荷、职业发展三个维度组成,总体工作压力较大。 (2)中山市高校辅导员工作压力、工作满意度、工作倦怠在性别、婚姻、年龄、学历、职称、雇佣状态、岗位年限等部分人口学变量上存在显著差异。 (3)中山市高校辅导员工作压力与工作满意度呈显著负相关,,工作压力与工作倦怠呈显著正相关;工作压力及其工作保障、工作负荷维度对工作满意度和工作倦怠具有显著预测性。
[Abstract]:As an important part of college teachers and management team, college counselors are one of the professional groups which communicate with students most and affect students most widely. Their comprehensive quality and working state are very important to the quality of talents cultivation in colleges and universities. In the period of economic and social transformation, the reform and change of college education system and daily management, the dual identity of teachers and cadres, and the particularity and complexity of practical work have put forward higher professional requirements for college counselors. At the same time, the job satisfaction and job burnout of college counselors decrease gradually. The results affect the daily work of college counselors and become one of the bottlenecks that restrict the quality of college students' talent training. Based on a large number of literature reviews, this paper summarizes the relevant theories of job stress, job satisfaction and job burnout, clarifies the relationship model of the study, and puts forward the corresponding research hypothesis. The questionnaire was used to investigate the job stress, job satisfaction and job burnout of college counselors in Zhongshan City. A total of 160 questionnaires were sent out, 128 effective questionnaires were collected, and the effective recovery rate was 80%. Using the empirical method to test the reliability and validity of each scale, to verify the factor structure of the job stress self-made scale, to understand the structure and current situation of job stress, job satisfaction, job burnout of college counselors in Zhongshan City. The effects of demographic variables on job stress, job satisfaction and job burnout were discussed, the relationship between job pressure and job satisfaction, job stress and job burnout was analyzed, and the structural model between them was constructed. And put forward the strategy of stress management from two aspects of school and individual. According to the results of this study, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the work stress of college counselors in Zhongshan City consists of three dimensions: job security, workload and career development. (2) Job stress, job satisfaction, job burnout of college counselors in Zhongshan City are gender, marriage, age, educational background, professional title, employment status, etc. (3) the job stress and job satisfaction of college counselors in Zhongshan City were negatively correlated with job satisfaction, and job stress was positively correlated with job burnout, job stress and job security. The workload dimension had a significant predictive effect on job satisfaction and job burnout.


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