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发布时间:2018-08-20 20:23
【摘要】:大学生是我国社会的一个十分特殊而重要的群体。这不仅因为大学生人数众多,也因为大学生的构成发生了很大的变化,90后的大学生已成为大学生的主体,独生子女已占到了大学生的半数以上,他们不同于以往大学生的新的特点;还因为大学生来自全国不同的地区和家庭,代表着依靠后天的努力和平等竞争的机制实现正常社会流动的趋势,他们在承载着家庭的希望的同时,,促进着教育的公平和社会的和谐;更因为大学生是十分宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望,是祖国的未来。大学生作为一个重要的群体,大学生的思想政治教育水平的高低直接影响着我国的综合国力和市场竞争力。因此,关注大学生的思想政治教育是一项关乎国计民生的大事。 随着市场经济和社会形势的变化,大学生的思想政治教育工作在整个形势的变化中凸显出了越发重要的地位。新形势的变化和发展拓宽了大学生思想政治教育的渠道。同时新境遇带来的经济全球化、网络信息化、市场多样化、文化多元化给大学生思想政治教育带来的挑战。 大学生的思想政治教育一向是思想政治教育工作的重要内容。以往的思想政治教育只注重对思想政治教育理论化的研究,脱离现实生活,忽略对大学生生活空间、内心世界进行关注,一味的采取灌输式,教育方法、手段过于直板单一,疏离了大学生对现实生活的需求。这就需要将思想政治教育工作和实际生活联系起来,结合生活实践来探讨新时期的大学生思想政治教育。 所谓大学生的思想政治教育生活化,就是将大学生的思想政治教育要从现实生活出发,关注实际生活中的各个方面,强调现实性、实践性。大学生思想政治教育生活化的研究突破了以往思想政治教育形式化、教条化、机械化的弊端,旨在将大学生的思想政治教育工作与现实的生活相结合,培养、塑造健全人格的人才。 论文从思想政治教育生活化的具体含义着手,通过思想政治教育生活化的理论基础和现实依据两方面进行阐述,指出传统的思想政治教育倾向于功利主义、不贴近现实生活、不适应新时代的发展、不符合大学生的思想新特点的弊端,从而得出思想政治教育生活化的必要性。论文分析了大学生思想政治教育生活化的价值,提出思想政治教育生活化是贯彻科学发展观的要求,有利于推动人的全面发展,有利于提高大学生的素质,推动社会和谐关系的形成。最后对大学生思想政治教育的路径进行了具体的分析。
[Abstract]:College students are a very special and important group in our society. This is not only because of the large number of college students, but also because the composition of college students has changed greatly. The post-90s college students have become the main body of college students, and the only child has accounted for more than half of the college students. They are different from the new characteristics of college students in the past; also because college students come from different regions and families throughout the country, they represent a tendency to realize normal social mobility through the efforts of the day after tomorrow and the mechanism of equal competition. They not only carry the hope of family, but also promote the fairness of education and social harmony, because college students are very valuable talent resources, is the hope of the nation, is the future of the motherland. College students as an important group, the level of ideological and political education of college students directly affects the overall national strength and market competitiveness of our country. Therefore, paying attention to the ideological and political education of college students is a matter of national economy and people's livelihood. With the change of market economy and social situation, the ideological and political education of college students has become more and more important in the change of the whole situation. The change and development of the new situation broadens the channels of ideological and political education for college students. At the same time, the economic globalization, network information, market diversification and cultural diversity bring challenges to the ideological and political education of college students. Ideological and political education of college students has always been an important part of ideological and political education. In the past, ideological and political education only paid attention to the theoretical study of ideological and political education, divorced from the real life, neglected to pay attention to the living space and inner world of college students, blindly adopted the method of infusion, the educational method, and the means were too straight and single. Alienate college students from the needs of real life. It is necessary to link the ideological and political education work with the actual life and explore the ideological and political education of college students in the new period. The so-called ideological and political education of college students is that the ideological and political education of college students should be based on the real life, pay attention to all aspects of the actual life, and emphasize the reality and practicality. The research on the life orientation of college students' ideological and political education breaks through the drawbacks of formalization, dogmatism and mechanization of ideological and political education in the past. It aims to combine the ideological and political education work of college students with the real life and cultivate it. A talented person who molds a sound personality. This paper begins with the concrete meaning of the life of ideological and political education, and points out that the traditional ideological and political education tends to be utilitarian, not close to the real life, through the theoretical basis and the practical basis of the life of ideological and political education. It does not adapt to the development of the new era, and does not conform to the disadvantages of the new characteristics of college students' thoughts, so the necessity of the ideological and political education is obtained. This paper analyzes the value of the life of ideological and political education of college students, and points out that it is the requirement of carrying out the scientific concept of development, which is conducive to promoting the all-round development of people and improving the quality of college students. Promote the formation of harmonious social relations. Finally, the path of ideological and political education for college students is analyzed.


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