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发布时间:2018-08-22 08:25
【摘要】:高速发展的现代社会使得大学生的思维习惯、生活方式、价值观念发生着深刻变化,再加上当前人格教育模式仍然以传统的、灌输式教育为主,重视智力开发与科学研究,忽视人文精神与和谐人格的培养,而现有的德育课程很难发挥其应有的作用,可以说收效甚微。大学是人格完善与定性的关键时期,能否培养大学生健康的人格将关系到他们日常的学习生活、一生的发展方向,甚至关系到社会的和谐与稳定。因此改进高校人格教育方法,塑造大学生健康人格,促进大学生身心全面发展,引导他们树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观是高校德育工作的重中之重,也是加强与改进大学生思想政治建设的重要举措。 优秀的戏曲文化是几千年来民族优秀文化成果的积淀,是中华民族的精神载体,集程式性、综合性、虚拟性于一身,具有极高的艺术价值、美学价值、教育价值和研究价值。在大学校园中推广戏曲艺术不但可以起到继承与发扬中华传统文化的目的,而且对于培养大学生的爱国主义精神、弘扬中华民族传统美德、提高大学生的审美品位与艺术修养,促进大学生健康人格的生成具有极其重要的指导意义。 本文以思想政治教育理论统领戏曲艺术与人格教育,并以此为切入点,阐发戏曲艺术、人格、人格教育、思想政治教育等一系列理论,分析戏曲艺术的特点及对人格教育的辅佐功能,阐述人格教育与思想政治教育的关联,揭示当前高校人格教育存在的问题、期望通过戏曲艺术创新高校人格教育方式、丰富高校人格教育体系,提高思想政治教育实效,充分体现戏曲艺术在高校人格教育中的价值。最后从政府、社会、学校三个层面,集中阐述了加强戏曲艺术在高校人格教育实践中作用的对策。 高等院校是弘扬中华民族优秀文化的重要阵地,传承戏曲艺术也是当代大学生义不容辞的责任,而高校戏曲文化的推广是一项系统的工程,,只有一代又一代人的共同努力,才能使戏曲这一民族瑰宝在高校校园中得以发扬光大。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern society, college students' thinking habits, way of life and values have undergone profound changes. In addition, the current personality education mode is still dominated by traditional and infused education, and attaches importance to the development of intelligence and scientific research. Ignoring the cultivation of humanistic spirit and harmonious personality, the existing moral education curriculum is very difficult to play its due role, it can be said to have little effect. The university is the key period of personality perfection and qualitative. Whether or not to cultivate the healthy personality of college students will relate to their daily study life development direction and even the harmony and stability of the society. Therefore, improving the methods of personality education, shaping the healthy personality of college students, promoting the all-round development of students' body and mind, guiding them to establish a correct world outlook, and outlook on life and values are the most important tasks of moral education in colleges and universities. It is also an important measure to strengthen and improve the ideological and political construction of college students. The excellent opera culture is the accumulation of the outstanding cultural achievements of the nation for thousands of years. It is the spiritual carrier of the Chinese nation, which is programmed, comprehensive and fictitious. It has a very high artistic value, aesthetic value, educational value and research value. Popularizing opera art in university campus can not only inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese culture, but also cultivate the patriotism of college students, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and improve the aesthetic taste and artistic accomplishment of college students. It is of great significance to promote the formation of healthy personality of college students. In this paper, the theory of ideological and political education is used to guide drama art and personality education, and a series of theories, such as drama art, personality education, ideological and political education and so on, are expounded. This paper analyzes the characteristics of drama art and its auxiliary function to personality education, expounds the relationship between personality education and ideological and political education, reveals the existing problems of personality education in colleges and universities, and expects to innovate the way of personality education in colleges and universities through the art of drama. It enriches the personality education system, improves the actual effect of ideological and political education, and fully embodies the value of drama art in personality education in colleges and universities. Finally, from the three levels of government, society and school, the paper focuses on the countermeasures of strengthening the role of opera art in the practice of personality education in colleges and universities. Institutions of higher learning are an important position to carry forward the excellent culture of the Chinese nation, and it is also the unshirkable responsibility of contemporary college students to inherit the art of opera, and the promotion of the culture of opera in colleges and universities is a systematic project, with the joint efforts of only one generation after another. In order to make the national treasures of opera in the university campus can be carried forward.


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