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发布时间:2018-08-22 17:24
【摘要】:改革开放30年来,特别是自1999年高校扩招以来,我国高等教育进入了跨越式的发展阶段,为我国的现代化建设培养了大批优秀的人才。随着高等教育的“精英式”发展到“大众化”的发展,高校面临的问题也愈来愈多,其中毕业生的就业压力日益凸显,一方面企业抱怨找不到适合的人才,另一方面学校抱怨学生就业难。究其根源在于:实践能力不强、缺乏工作经验、岗位工作环境适应能力差是直接影响到大学生的择业和就业的关键因素。 近年来,尽管高校在实验实践教学改革方面做了大量的探索和改革。但因为改革只注重学校内部,而未延伸至校外,大学、科研机构、企业之间的交流合作明显不足,校企结合还缺乏有效的载体,因而培养的学生创新精神和实践能力弱的局面未能得到有效改变。 现代社会科技的发展需要高等教育的支撑,更需要学校教育与社会劳动实践教育相结合,因此大力发展校企合作教育是贯彻落实科教兴国的一条简明有效的途径。十六大报告明确提出“全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务,为人民服务,与生产劳动和社会实践相结合,培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人”。肩负培养社会有用人才的中国高校,只有通过校企合作教育,才能加深高校师生与社会的接触,尤其是与企业的良性互动,从而使高等教育与社会生产实践相结合,适应生产力的发展,从而加速促进高等教育的改革步伐。 本文从本科层面校企合作教育模式为切入点,通过运用协同共生理论和博弈论来论证校企合作的优势和必然性,进而引进国内外高校优秀的本科层面教育模式,分析校企合作的动力机制,为我国普通高等院校普及开展校企合作提供可借鉴的模式和推广经验。
[Abstract]:In the past 30 years since the reform and opening up, especially since the expansion of college enrollment in 1999, China's higher education has entered a leapfrog stage of development, which has trained a large number of outstanding talents for the modernization construction of our country. With the development of "meritocracy" and "popularization" of higher education, colleges and universities are facing more and more problems. Among them, the employment pressure of graduates is increasingly prominent. On the one hand, enterprises complain that they cannot find suitable talents. On the other hand, the school complains that it is difficult for students to The root of the problem lies in: the lack of practical ability, lack of work experience and poor adaptability to the working environment are the key factors that directly affect college students' career choice and employment. In recent years, although colleges and universities have done a lot of exploration and reform in experimental practice teaching reform. However, because the reform only pays attention to the inside of the school, but does not extend to the communication and cooperation between the university, the scientific research institution and the enterprise, the cooperation between the university and the enterprise is obviously insufficient, and the combination of the school and the enterprise still lacks the effective carrier. As a result, the situation of students' innovative spirit and weak practical ability has not been effectively changed. The development of modern social science and technology needs the support of higher education and the combination of school education and social labor practice education. Therefore, it is a simple and effective way to carry out science and education to rejuvenate the country. The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that "comprehensively implement the Party's educational policy, adhere to education to serve the socialist modernization drive and serve the people, and combine it with productive labor and social practice," Cultivate the socialist constructors and successors with all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic. In order to deepen the contact between teachers and students in colleges and universities, especially the benign interaction with enterprises, only through the cooperative education between universities and enterprises can Chinese colleges and universities cultivate useful talents in society, so that higher education can be combined with the practice of social production. Adapt to the development of productive forces, thus accelerating the pace of reform of higher education. This paper discusses the advantages and inevitability of the cooperation between universities and enterprises through the use of cooperative symbiosis theory and game theory, and then introduces the excellent undergraduate education model of domestic and foreign universities. This paper analyzes the motive mechanism of the cooperation between school and enterprise, and provides the model and popularizing experience for popularizing the cooperation between school and enterprise in our country's colleges and universities.


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