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发布时间:2018-08-22 20:40
【摘要】:儒家心理教育思想是我国传统文化的瑰宝,是中华灿烂文化遗产的一部分,是人类智慧的重要结晶,它重视人的心理素质的培养,重在保持人的健康情绪,提高人受挫折的能力,树立人的自信心,教育人如何与他人和睦相处。 儒家心理教育思想源远流长,内容包括重视“中庸”心理教育、强调“和谐”心理教育和注重“坚韧”心理教育。其思想的主要特点是以人为贵、以和为贵、以德为贵。把优秀的儒家心理教育思想融入大学生思想政治教育中去,是应对当前市场经济负面效应的需要,是提升思想政治教育实效性的需要,是适应高等教育发展形势的需要。 融儒家心理教育思想于大学生思想政治教育是一项重要课题,就现实而言存在的主要问题包括:对优秀传统文化的重要性认识不够、对儒家心理教育思想研究不够、对儒家心理教育思想运用不够三方面。分析这些问题存在的原因也有三方面:一是对心理健康教育认识不足,二是高校重专业轻道德培养,三是市场经济负面效应的影响。 重视发挥儒家心理教育思想在大学生思想政治教育中的作用,要从以下三方面着手:首先,要把儒家以义养心的思想、寡欲养心的思想、自省慎独的思想、环境熏陶的思想丰富到大学生思想政治教育中去;其次,融儒家心理教育思想于大学生思想政治教育,要坚持遵循古为今用、继承创新和着眼现实三大原则:再次,融儒家心理教育思想于大学生思想政治教育,有效途径主要有以下三个方面:一要有效利用学校教育资源宣传儒家心理教育优秀思想:二要充分发挥学校师资作用开设相关课程,三要做到紧紧围绕学生成人成才运用儒家心理教育优秀思想。 融儒家心理教育思想于大学生思想政治教育是一项重要的研究课题,也是一项需要广大高等教育工作者努力探索的光荣任务。
[Abstract]:The Confucian thought of psychological education is a treasure of our traditional culture, a part of the splendid cultural heritage of China and an important crystallization of human wisdom. It attaches importance to the cultivation of people's psychological quality and focuses on maintaining their healthy mood. Improve people's ability to suffer setbacks, build up people's self-confidence, teach people how to live in harmony with others. The Confucian thought of psychological education has a long history, which includes paying attention to the psychological education of the mean, harmony and tenacity. The main characteristic of his thought is that man is expensive, harmony is precious and virtue is precious. It is the need to deal with the negative effects of the current market economy, to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education and to adapt to the development of higher education by integrating the outstanding Confucian psychological education into the ideological and political education of college students. It is an important subject to melt the Confucian psychological education thought into the ideological and political education of college students. In reality, the main problems include: insufficient understanding of the importance of excellent traditional culture, and insufficient study of Confucian psychological education thought. The application of Confucian psychological education is not enough in three aspects. There are three reasons for analyzing these problems: first, lack of understanding of mental health education, second, emphasis on specialty and moral cultivation, and third, negative effects of market economy. To give full play to the role of Confucian psychological education in the ideological and political education of college students, we should proceed from the following three aspects: first, we should take the Confucian thought of cultivating the mind with righteousness, the idea of seeking little to support the mind, and the idea of self-examination and caution. The thought of environment edification is enriched to the ideological and political education of college students. Secondly, to integrate the Confucian psychological education thought into the ideological and political education of college students, we should adhere to the three principles of "using the past for the present, inheriting innovation and focusing on reality": again, Integrating the Confucian psychological education thoughts into the ideological and political education of college students, The effective ways are as follows: first, to effectively use the school educational resources to propagate the Confucian thought of psychological education; second, to give full play to the role of school teachers and set up relevant courses. Third, it is necessary to focus on the application of Confucian psychological education to adult students. It is not only an important research subject but also a glorious task for the majority of higher education workers to combine the Confucian psychological education thought with the ideological and political education of college students.


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