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发布时间:2018-08-27 08:30
【摘要】:能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础,它对国家的经济发展和人民生活有着重要的影响。伴随着经济社会的发展要求,我国对能源的需求量也日益增高。由于能源问题又牵扯到大量的环境问题,所以能源问题已经逐渐受到世界各国的强烈关注。中国政府提出了“中国能源必须走科技含量高、资源消耗低、环境污染少、经济效益好、安全有保障的发展道路”。这就要求我们要努力构建资源节约的能源消费体系。 目前我国尚未找到能源问题的最佳解决方法,那么当务之急就要转变人们的能源消费行为。大学生这一特殊的社会群体,他们不仅有着极其旺盛的能源消费需求,而且他们也有较先进的消费理念。所以本研究将以大学生的能源消费行为为研究对象,分析并最终验证影响大学生能源消费行为的主要影响因素,针对大学生能源消费存在的问题提出低能耗行为的引导和教育的对策建议。 本论文在参照国内外的相关文献和对大学生能源消费现状分析的基础之上,,假设个体心理因素、情境结构因素和人口统计因素对能源消费行为构成影响,并采用调查问卷的形式对大学生能源消费行为进行测量。最后通过Fisher判别分析方法来验证大学生能源消费行为模型,并得出相应的结论:即影响大学生能源消费行为的主要因素是个体心理变量和情境结构变量,而人口统计因素较个体心理变量和情境结构变量对大学生能源消费行为的影响较弱。在文章结尾处指出要充分调动和发挥高校、政府的教育合力作用,同时也要锻炼和挖掘大学生的自我教育和认知能力,才能正确地引导大学生的能源消费行为。
[Abstract]:Energy is the basis for the survival and development of human society, it has an important impact on the national economic development and people's life. With the development of economy and society, the demand for energy in our country is increasing day by day. Because energy problem involves a lot of environmental problems, energy problem has been paid more and more attention all over the world. The Chinese government has put forward that "China must take the road of high scientific and technological content, low consumption of resources, less environmental pollution, good economic benefits and safety and security". This requires us to strive to build a resource-saving energy consumption system. At present, China has not found the best solution to the energy problem, so the urgent task is to change people's energy consumption behavior. College students, a special social group, not only have extremely strong energy consumption demand, but also have advanced consumption ideas. Therefore, this study will take the energy consumption behavior of college students as the research object, analyze and finally verify the main factors that affect the energy consumption behavior of college students. Aiming at the problems of college students' energy consumption, this paper puts forward the guidance of low energy consumption behavior and the countermeasures of education. Based on the analysis of the current situation of energy consumption of college students, this paper assumes that individual psychological factors, situational structure factors and demographic factors affect energy consumption behavior. The energy consumption behavior of college students was measured by questionnaire. Finally, the Fisher discriminant analysis method is used to verify the energy consumption behavior model of college students, and the corresponding conclusions are drawn: the main factors affecting the energy consumption behavior of college students are individual psychological variables and situational structural variables. However, demographic factors have a weaker effect on energy consumption behavior of college students than individual psychological variables and situational structural variables. At the end of the article, it is pointed out that in order to fully mobilize and bring into full play the role of the government's educational joint force, and at the same time to exercise and excavate the students' self-education and cognitive ability, the energy consumption behavior of the college students can be correctly guided.


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