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发布时间:2018-08-30 15:01
【摘要】:随着市场经济的发展,供需关系的变化,大学生就业问题已经成为社会关注的热点问题之一。项目管理作为一门已成为社会各界应用的热点基础理论,经过研究实践已为不同的领域解决了管理上的难题,为工作争取到了突破口。如能有效的将项目管理的理念与方法融入到大学生就业指导工作中,运用项目管理的逻辑推理,应用项目管理的方法理论,完全可以将大学生就业指导中的各项工作作为项目来管理,从而达到合理运用当今重要的管理科学理论指导大学生就业工作开展的目的。 本文通过对国内外有关大学生就业指导工作的研究和现状的分析,归纳总结项目管理的基本理论和应用成果,对大学生就业指导工作进行项目化管理的必要性和可行性进行分析。重点对大学生就业指导工作进行项目化管理的具体过程进行实施设计,包括:项目启动与规划过程中识别干系人、明确项目目标、制定管理计划三个方面;项目执行过程中的资源准备和标准建设;以及项目监控过程中的成本控制、进度控制、质量控制和风险控制,并针对就业指导工作项目化管理的现实困难提出有效的改进建议,最后结合南京理工大学紫金学院2013届毕业生招聘会项目化管理的应用进行案例分析。
[Abstract]:With the development of market economy and the change of supply and demand, the employment of college students has become one of the hot issues of social concern. Project management, as a hot basic theory, has been applied by all circles of the society. Through research and practice, it has solved the difficult problems of management in different fields and made a breakthrough for the work. If the concept and method of project management can be effectively integrated into the employment guidance work of college students, the logical reasoning of project management and the method theory of project management can be applied. All kinds of work in the guidance of college students' employment can be managed as a project, so as to achieve the purpose of using the important management science theory to guide the employment of college students. This paper summarizes the basic theory and application results of project management by analyzing the research and present situation of employment guidance for college students at home and abroad. This paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the project management of employment guidance for college students. This paper focuses on the implementation and design of the project management for college students' employment guidance, including the following three aspects: identifying the stakeholders in the process of project initiation and planning, clarifying the project objectives, and formulating the management plan; Resource preparation and standard construction during project implementation, cost control, schedule control, quality control and risk control during project monitoring, and effective suggestions for improvement in the practical difficulties of project management in employment guidance work. Finally, the application of project management of 2013 graduate job fair in Zijin College of Nanjing University of Science and Technology is analyzed.


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