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发布时间:2018-08-31 08:41
[Abstract]:The marketization reform of American higher education has been promoted continuously in the past 30 years, and the higher education has been privatized and the marketization level has been raised continuously. Because of the expansion of enrollment, although the total amount of government grants has increased year by year, the amount of money allocated to students has continued to decline, and the operation of public higher education has begun to rely on private grants, the operation of the Endowment Fund and the tuition income of students. For a long time, the development of higher education in the United States seems to indicate that market-oriented reform is the future of the development of higher education. However, the financial crisis since the second half of 2007 has made the public higher education system of the United States suffer many challenges. The market value of donated assets has shrunk, debt has grown rapidly and the capital chain has broken, causing some universities to sell off their properties or even choose to go bankrupt. In the past, when we were concerned about the market-oriented reform of higher education in the United States, we saw more about the promulgation of its policies and the reform of its system.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学教育学部;


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8 陈R,




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