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发布时间:2018-09-01 07:33
【摘要】:大学战略管理一直是国内外许多学者的研究主题,,也有许多著作和文献深刻而透彻地从各个方面研究了战略规划、战略实施和战略评估。随着人们对大学战略规划重要意义与价值认识的深入,国内许多大学的决策者和实践者正在努力探求战略规划的科学性、系统性和可行性问题。中国高等教育学界一直在为本国大学战略规划的研制,积极地研究借鉴国外成功的理念和经验,在关注欧美的同时,也充分关注曾经对中国教育有着深刻影响的俄罗斯的经验,基于此,本文从中俄比较研究的视角展开。 本研究将以中国上海师范大学和华东师范大学以及俄罗斯托木斯克国立师范大学、乌拉尔国立师范大学和勘察加国立师范大学五所大学为例,主要从制定规划的内容要素这个视角探索和比较两个国家五所大学战略规划文本的异同点,笔者认为,但凡一所大学要制定战略规划,大学发展的使命与愿景、大学发展的战略目标体系这两个内容作为重要内容不可或缺。而且笔者也发现,一些战略规划文本中的“战略目标”的体系化,应该引起我们的高度关注,比如战略目标一般可分为三个层级结构,总体战略目标、领域战略目标和量化战略目标。因为只有目标体系化才能增加落实战略规划的可行性与操作性。 基于上述认识,本研究全文结构和内容包括: 第一章绪论。主要介绍了问题缘起、研究意义和目标、研究方法和文献综述。 第二章大学战略规划的由来与意义。主要介绍英美和中国三个国家大学战略规划的发展与演变以及制定大学战略规划的意义与作用,从历史上追溯和捋清大学战略规划的发展过程。 第三章从理论述说的角度阐述大学战略规划的内涵与要素,分析清楚大学战略规划需要符合的一般规律和需要包含的内容要素。 第四章大学战略规划的主要内容以“应然”的逻辑形式提前勾勒出制定大学战略规划文本应该涵盖的主要内容,即大学的使命与愿景以及大学的战略目标体系,并以一些著名的大学规划文本予以材料的佐证。 第五章是本研究的主体部分,基于上一章的两个主要内容对五所大学进行详细而深入地比较分析研究,进一步翔实而细致地丰富了前一章的佐证材料,完整地证明了大学战略规划“应该”具备的内容。 第六章启示与建议总结了前文分析五所大学战略规划文本之后得出的结论并在此基础上提出制定大学战略规划应遵循的基本原则。 本研究意图在于,研究分析异同、提取规律经验,为大学战略管理理论研究和实践研究拓展一些视野,为科学规范地进行大学发展战略规划的研制提供一些借鉴。
[Abstract]:University strategic management has always been the research subject of many scholars at home and abroad. There are also many works and documents on strategic planning, strategic implementation and strategic evaluation from various aspects. With the deep understanding of the significance and value of the university strategic planning, many decision makers and practitioners in our country are trying to explore the scientific, systematic and feasible problems of the strategic planning. Chinese higher education circles have been actively studying and learning from foreign successful concepts and experiences for the development of their own university strategic planning. While paying close attention to Europe and the United States, they have also paid full attention to the experience of Russia, which has had a profound impact on Chinese education. Based on this, this paper from the perspective of comparative research between China and Russia. This study will take Shanghai normal University, East China normal University, Tomsk State normal University, Ural State normal University and Kamchatka State normal University as examples. This paper explores and compares the similarities and differences between the texts of the strategic planning of five universities in two countries from the perspective of the content elements of the planning. The author thinks that every university should formulate the strategic plan, the mission and vision of the university's development. As an important content, the strategic objective system of university development is indispensable. Moreover, the author also finds that the systematization of "strategic objectives" in some strategic planning texts should attract our high attention. For example, the strategic objectives can be divided into three levels, the overall strategic objectives. Domain strategic objectives and quantitative strategic objectives. Because only goal systematization can increase the feasibility and maneuverability of implementing strategic planning. Based on the above understanding, the structure and content of this study include: chapter one: introduction. This paper mainly introduces the origin of the problem, research significance and goal, research methods and literature review. Chapter two: the origin and significance of university strategic planning. This paper mainly introduces the development and evolution of university strategic planning in Britain, America and China, as well as the significance and function of making university strategic planning, and traces and clarifies the development process of university strategic planning from the historical point of view. The third chapter expounds the connotation and elements of the university strategic planning from the angle of theoretical description, and analyzes the general law and the content elements that the university strategic planning needs to conform to. In Chapter four, the main contents of the university strategic plan are outlined in the form of "ought to be" in advance, which should be covered by the text of the university strategic plan, that is, the mission and vision of the university and the strategic objective system of the university. And with some famous university planning text to support the material. The fifth chapter is the main part of this study, based on the two main contents of the previous chapter, the five universities are compared and analyzed in detail and deeply, which further enrich the supporting materials of the previous chapter. A complete proof of the university's strategic planning "should" have the content. The sixth chapter summarizes the conclusions obtained after analyzing the texts of the five universities' strategic planning and puts forward the basic principles to be followed in the formulation of the university's strategic planning. The purpose of this study is to study and analyze similarities and differences, to extract laws and experiences, to expand some horizons for the theoretical and practical study of university strategic management, and to provide some references for the development of university development strategic planning in a scientific and normative way.


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