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发布时间:2018-09-03 07:08
【摘要】:政治认同是公民参与社会政治生活的首要的问题,,大学生作为未来社会重要的“建设者和接班人”,其政治认同度对社会政治生活的影响更为重要。可以说,大学生的政治认同的状态直接反映着一个国家政治社会化的程度,并在一定程度上决定着国家政治体系的稳固与发展。因此,调查分析当代大学生政治认同的现状,研究增强其政治认同程度的对策具有极其重要的现实意义。 本文以马克思主义为指导思想,采用理论分析与问卷调查相结合以及文献研究等方法,分三大部分展开论述: 第一部分,概述大学生政治认同的基本理论。首先介绍政治认同的概念与涵盖;其次界定大学生政治认同的内涵,并概括大学生政治认同的主要特征,即政治性、意识性、实践性、多元复杂性、流变性和价值性;最后阐述大学生政治认同形成的理论依据,提出了政治认同的机制问题。 第二部分,着重分析当代大学生政治认同的现状。从积极倾向和消极倾向两大方面入手分析。总体上大学生的政治认同是健康的、正确的和积极的,但同时也存在不少消极倾向。究其原因,有经济全球化冲击的影响,也有政府绩效的影响以及大学生个人认知能力的影响等。 第三部分,提出加强大学生政治认同的对策。从政府、社会、学校等多角度提出五大对策:其根本对策是提高政府绩效;媒介对策是整合政治社会化介体;环境对策是倡导社会主流意识形态;教育对策是完善政治教育内容与思维方法,基本的对策是强化大学生政治情感。
[Abstract]:Political identity is the most important issue for citizens to participate in social political life. As an important constructor and successor of the future society, the degree of political identity of college students is more important to the influence of social political life. It can be said that the political identity of college students directly reflects the degree of political socialization of a country, and to a certain extent determines the stability and development of the national political system. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to investigate and analyze the present situation of college students' political identity and to study the countermeasures to enhance their political identity. This paper, guided by Marxism, uses the methods of theoretical analysis, questionnaire investigation and literature research to discuss the following three parts: the first part is an overview of the basic theory of college students' political identity. Firstly, it introduces the concept and coverage of political identity, then defines the connotation of political identity of college students, and generalizes the main characteristics of political identity of college students, that is, political, conscious, practical, pluralistic, complex, rheological and value. Finally, the theoretical basis of the formation of political identity of college students is expounded, and the mechanism of political identity is put forward. The second part focuses on the analysis of the status quo of contemporary college students' political identity. From the positive tendency and the negative tendency two big aspects to begin the analysis. In general, the political identity of college students is healthy, correct and positive, but there are also many negative tendencies. The reasons are the impact of economic globalization, the impact of government performance and the impact of college students' personal cognitive ability. The third part, proposes the countermeasure which strengthens the university student political identity. This paper puts forward five countermeasures from the angle of government, society, school and so on: the fundamental countermeasure is to improve the government performance, the media countermeasure is to integrate the political socialization medium, the environment countermeasure is to advocate the mainstream ideology of the society; The educational countermeasure is to perfect the political education content and the thinking method, the basic countermeasure is to strengthen the university student's political emotion.


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