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发布时间:2018-09-03 11:51
[Abstract]:In order to alleviate the increasingly severe employment situation of college students, the state and local governments continue to encourage and support college students to start their own businesses. However, from the current situation of college students in Zhejiang Province, college students will encounter financing difficulties when they start their own businesses. This paper investigates the current situation and existing problems of college students' venture capital in Zhejiang Province, analyzes the difficulties of university students' venture financing, and studies the channels of university students' venture financing and the different development stages of the financing mode of venture enterprises. In order to provide certain reference and reference for the university students who started their own business.
【作者单位】: 绍兴职业技术学院;
【基金】:浙江省高教学会科研课题“大学生第二课堂创新素质培养的研究与实践(KT2015086)” 绍兴职业技术学院科研课题“众创时代背景下浙江省大学生创业融资模式研究(201513)”的研究成果


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