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发布时间:2018-09-03 15:43
【摘要】:党的十八大报告提出要坚定理想信念,坚守精神追求。道德是调整人与人、人与自然、人与社会关系的规范体系,是个人自我完善的发展目标,是社会安定和谐的理性约束,是民族兴旺发达的精神基石。信仰是人类对世界和人生的终极关怀,是人类对世界和人生“应当”怎样的追问求索。以道德为基点,以信仰为统摄的道德信仰是个体在道德人格上的自我超越和社会在道德水准上的整体提升。 大学生作为青年中视野最开阔、最具活力的代表,是改善社会道德状况、推动社会和谐发展最有生气的力量。大学生的道德信仰状况,关乎自身健康成长,关乎国家科学发展。但个体微观诉求和社会宏观价值的碰撞使他们出现了道德认知偏差、道德情感淡漠、道德行动弱化等道德信仰危机。大学生必须把家庭、学校、社会的德育指导与自身实际协调、统一,在实践——认识——实践的循环强化下,将道德规范内化为道德认同,并最终外化为行为践履。 道德信仰作为一个体系,从理论到实践依次为:第一,终极目标是什么;第二,为什么要这么做;第三,当下该怎么做。本文依此逻辑为主线展开论述。全文共分为三个章节。第一章是道德信仰的相关概述,主要对道德信仰的含义、发生机制进行阐述并基于个人和社会两个层面展开论述确立大学生道德信仰的价值所在。第二章在实证研究的基础上辅以理论分析探究当代大学生道德信仰的现状及影响因素。第三章分别从个人、家庭、学校及社会多角度全方位探究确立大学生道德信仰的现实路径。
[Abstract]:The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) proposed that we should firm our ideals and beliefs and stick to our spiritual pursuit. Morality is a normative system that adjusts the relationship between man and man, man and nature, and man and nature. It is the goal of individual self-improvement, the rational restriction of social stability and harmony, and the spiritual cornerstone of national prosperity. Belief is the ultimate concern for the world and life. The moral belief, which is based on morality and controlled by faith, is the self-transcendence of individual moral personality and the whole improvement of social moral standard. As the most open and energetic representative of the youth, college students are the most active force to improve the social morality and promote the harmonious development of the society. The moral belief of college students is related to their healthy growth and national scientific development. However, the collision of individual micro demands and social macro values makes them appear moral belief crisis, such as moral cognitive deviation, indifferent moral emotion, weakening moral action, and so on. College students must coordinate and unify the moral education guidance of family, school and society with their own reality. Under the cycle of practice-cognition and practice, the moral standard should be internalized into moral identity and finally externalized into practice of behavior. Moral belief as a system, from theory to practice, is: first, what is the ultimate goal; second, why to do so; third, what to do now. This article is based on this logic as the main line of discussion. The full text is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the related summary of moral belief, mainly on the meaning of moral belief, the mechanism of occurrence, and based on the personal and social two levels to discuss the value of establishing moral belief of college students. The second chapter is based on empirical research and theoretical analysis to explore the current situation and influencing factors of moral belief of contemporary college students. The third chapter explores the realistic path of establishing college students' moral belief from individual, family, school and society.


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