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发布时间:2018-09-04 06:45
【摘要】:大学行政化是当下中国大学的普遍现象,也是近几年来社会各界关注的焦点之一。大学行政化问题能否妥善解决,已成为我国大学能否产出高质量科研成果和创新型人才,完成其使命和任务的关键。大学行政化问题解决好了,我国高等教育才能科学发展,建设世界一流大学是的目标才有可能实现。 纵观中西大学的起源和发展变迁,我们可以发现两个相逆的路径。首先,从西方大学起源和变迁的走向来看,是以大学精神为指导,以学术组织来建设和管理的自下而上的过程。一般认为,现代大学起源于西方,西方大学直接从欧洲中世纪大学发展而来。中世纪大学经历了漫长的制度变迁,逐步脱离教会的控制而走向世俗化,以19世纪初德国洪堡创办柏林大学将科学引入大学并与教学相结为标志而转型为现代大学,并为世界各国所仿效借鉴,其形成的学术自由、大学自治的内在精神气质也由此得到不断积淀和彰显。其次,从我国大学发展的情况来看,其产生和变迁的过程一直在政府主导下进行,是自上而下的,大学更多的是充当着政治控制的工具和政府的附庸。虽然我国大学是借鉴西方的“舶来品”,但是徒有西方大学的“形”而无其“神”,因而也不可能形成学术自由、大学自治的传统,我国大学与西方大学的一个重大区别就在于此。 大学行政化不是我国所独有,但以我国最为严重。我国大学的产生是当时政府不得已的一种应急性的制度选择,从一开始行政化色彩就十分浓厚,并在其后的100多年发展变迁中逐步孕育成型。大学行政化的愈演愈烈造成了严重的危害,西方大学所一直秉承和发展的大学自治、学术自由的大学精神,在我国大学中长期没有得到彰显,导致大学精神异化、办学目标偏离和腐败问题频发等严重问题。我国大学存在的这些问题,说到底是体制、机制问题,即制度问题。因此,去除我国大学的行政化要通过制度创新来解决,目标是建立基于实现大学自治和学术自由的现代大学制度。 然而,制度创新的过程不是一帆风顺的。制度变迁理论认为,制度具有惯性,即制度的路径依赖,它对制度创新会产生极强的制约作用。大学行政化的形成和大学去行政化的改革,实质上都是大学制度的变迁,因而大学去行政化的努力必定会受到制度路径依赖的影响而步履艰难。尽管对于大学去行政化,政府和大学都做出了努力并进行了有意义的探索,包括民国时期蔡元培等著名校长的努力营造和上个世纪90年代末开始的我国高等教育管理体制改革,但是由于行政化渗透已久,产生了路径依赖,“官本位”传统思想、大学初始制度设计、既得利益集团的权力膨胀和高度集权化的管理体制等因素共同促成的我国大学行政化的制度惯性,使来自政府和大学的种种去行政化的努力都没有成功。 基于上述研究结论,本文在制度变迁视角下,从整体性策略思考和具体对策建议两个层面,进一步对我国大学去行政化问题作了深入探讨。笔者认为,在既定的现实条件约束下,推动我国大学去行政化的关键在于实现制度变迁方式从强制性制度变迁向强制性与诱致性制度变迁相结合的转变。由于在我国政府的角色十分关键,强制性制度变迁始终是主导而诱致性制度变迁遇到重重阻碍,因此,一方面要通过增增加大学去行政化的预期收益来调动政府的动力,以继续推进强制性制度变迁,另一方面也要培育诱致性制度变迁的力量,从操作层面上打破现有既得利益集团的格局和去除高度集权化的大学管理体制,同时还要将现代大学理念贯穿于制度变迁的始终,从观念上革除“官本位”传统文化及旧有大学制度设计理念的影响。而在具体的对策建议上,笔者认为去除大学行政化的改革实际上集中在两个问题上,一是调整政府与大学的关系,二是重构大学内部治理结构。据此提出,大学去行政化必须重新定位政府角色并通过法律使其制度化、提倡社会参与和监督并建立中介组织和机构和重构大学内部治理结构(包括建立大学法人治理结构和重构大学的学术组织结构两个方面)。
[Abstract]:The administration of universities is a common phenomenon in China's universities and one of the focuses of attention from all walks of life in recent years. Whether the administration of universities can be properly solved has become the key to whether our universities can produce high-quality scientific research achievements and innovative talents and fulfill their missions and tasks. Only by developing education can we achieve the goal of building a world-class university.
Looking at the origin and development of Chinese and Western universities, we can find two opposite paths. First of all, from the perspective of the origin and change trend of Western universities, it is a bottom-up process guided by the spirit of universities and constructed and managed by academic organizations. Medieval universities have undergone a long period of institutional change, gradually out of the control of the Church and become secularized. The Berlin University, founded by Humboldt in Germany in the early 19th century, has transformed science into a modern university, and has been imitated by all countries in the world. Its academic freedom and university autonomy have been formed. Secondly, from the perspective of the development of Chinese universities, the process of their emergence and transformation has been under the guidance of the government, from top to bottom. Universities are more like tools of political control and appendages of the government. But it is impossible to form the tradition of academic freedom and university autonomy because there is only the "form" of western universities without their "spirit", which is a major difference between Chinese universities and Western universities.
University administration is not unique to our country, but the most serious in our country. The emergence of University in our country was a kind of emergency system choice that the government had to make. It was very strong from the beginning and gradually formed in the development of more than 100 years. Western universities have been adhering to and developing the university autonomy and academic freedom of the university spirit in China's universities for a long time has not been highlighted, leading to alienation of the University spirit, deviation of school-running objectives and frequent corruption and other serious problems. The administration of universities in China should be solved through institutional innovation. The goal is to establish a modern university system based on the realization of university autonomy and academic freedom.
However, the process of institutional innovation is not smooth. Institutional change theory holds that institution has inertia, i.e. the path dependence of institution, which will exert a strong restrictive effect on institutional innovation. The formation of university administration and the reform of University De-Administration are essentially the changes of University system, so the efforts of University De-Administration must be made. Although the government and universities have made great efforts and made meaningful explorations for the De-Administration of universities, including the efforts of famous Presidents such as Cai Yuanpei in the Republic of China and the reform of China's higher education management system, which began in the late 1990s, due to the administration of universities. The institutionalized inertia of Chinese universities, which is caused by the traditional thought of "official standard", the initial system design of universities, the power expansion of vested interest groups and the highly centralized management system, has not succeeded in all kinds of De-Administration efforts from the government and universities.
Based on the above conclusions, this paper makes a further study on the problem of University De-Administration in China from the perspective of institutional change from the perspectives of holistic strategic thinking and specific countermeasures and suggestions. Because the role of the government is very important in our country, the mandatory institutional change is always dominant and the induced institutional change meets many obstacles. Therefore, on the one hand, we should mobilize the government's motive force by increasing the expected income of the university's de-administration. On the other hand, we should cultivate the power of inducing institutional change, break the existing pattern of vested interest groups and remove the highly centralized university management system from the operational level, and at the same time, we should penetrate the modern university idea throughout the institutional change, and remove the traditional culture of "official standard" and the old one from the concept. On the other hand, the author thinks that the reform of eliminating the administration of universities should concentrate on two problems, one is to adjust the relationship between the government and the university, the other is to reconstruct the internal governance structure of the university. Its institutionalization advocates social participation and supervision, and establishes intermediary organizations and institutions and reconstructs the internal governance structure of universities (including the establishment of corporate governance structure and the reconstruction of academic structure of universities).


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