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发布时间:2018-09-05 07:37
【摘要】:长期以来,“三农”问题都是我国社会的关注焦点,也是中共中央和国务院工作的“重中之重”,它不仅关系着中国农民的生活和命运,也关系着国家稳定和发展大局。“三农”问题的形成原因主要源于长期的城乡“二元”政策以及由此带来的农村经济、农村环境和农村社会交织的难题。归根结底是农村教育资源缺乏、农村智力资源流失。自2004年以来,中共中央已连续出台10个“一号文件”,从农业和农村发展的方方面面解决“三农”问题,其终极目标依然是2006年中共中央开始实施的“社会主义新农村建设”战略所提出的“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”等20字内涵。可见,“三农”问题的彻底解决还是要依靠乡村教育资源的归位和智力资源的回归,还需要培养大批“有文化、懂技术、会经营”的新型农民。 首先,本文从理论比较了国内外农民的教育现状,,分析了农村贫困与教育(文化)落后的深层关系。回顾梁漱溟的“从文化入手进而引发政治、经济方面的改造来进行乡村建设”的乡建理论及晏阳初的“对民族再造,只有改变‘愚、穷、弱、私’的四大病症,才能改造出具有知识力、生产力、强健力和团结力的现代公民”的近代乡村建设实践,概述了以温铁军为代表的当代知识分子创建和实践的“新乡村建设”的理论内涵。 其次,本文通过对福建省若干城乡社区大学在引导社会主义新农村建设过程中文化重建的作用,总结出“莆田汀塘”、“龙岩培田”、“泉州福田”、“福州关中”和“厦门安兜”等5个引导模式。其中,“莆田汀塘”模式:通过教育资源的归位引导农村和农民走生态城市(镇)化之路;“龙岩培田”模式:以乡村生态文化挖掘和传播为先导,促进古民居生态旅游资源的合作,使农民自组织;“泉州福田”模式:以生态学知识培训为导向,引导生态茶园创建,促进食品安全和茶农增收;“福州关中”模式:以社区支持农业为导引,通过城市居民支持乡村农业生产,促进城乡互信互动互助;“厦门安兜”模式:以文化、技能和心理课程教学为媒介,让进城农村劳动力尽快成为合格的市民。 最后,本文提出福建和全国其它地方的城乡社区大学是乡村社会管理创新的主体之一,她将有效地促进中共十八大提出的通过“城乡一体化建设”和“生态文明建设”,促进“三农”“重中之重”问题的解决和“美丽中国”战略的实现。
[Abstract]:For a long time, the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has been the focus of attention of our society and the top priority of the work of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. It is not only related to the life and destiny of Chinese peasants, but also related to the overall situation of national stability and development. Since 2004, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has issued 10 "No.1 Documents" to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers from all aspects of rural development. The ultimate goal is still in the middle of 2006. It can be seen that the thorough solution of the problem of agriculture, countryside and farmers still depends on the return of rural education resources and intellectual resources, and also needs to cultivate a large number of "literate" people. New farmers who understand technology and operate.
First of all, this paper compares the educational situation of peasants at home and abroad, and analyzes the deep relationship between rural poverty and backwardness of education (culture). The four major illnesses of "private" can transform the modern rural construction practice of modern citizens with knowledge, productivity, strength and solidarity, and outline the theoretical connotation of "new rural construction" represented by Wen Tiejun.
Secondly, through the analysis of the role of some urban and rural community universities in guiding the cultural reconstruction of the new socialist countryside construction in Fujian Province, this paper sums up five guiding modes, including "Putian Tingtang", "Longyan Peitian", "Quanzhou Futian", "Fuzhou Guanzhong" and "Xiamen Andu". Among them, "Putian Tingtang" mode: through educational resources. "Longyan Peitian" mode: taking the excavation and dissemination of rural ecological culture as the forerunner, promoting the cooperation of eco-tourism resources of ancient dwellings, and making farmers self-organize; "Quanzhou Futian" mode: taking ecological knowledge training as the guide, guiding the establishment of ecological tea garden, promoting food Safety and income increase of tea farmers; "Fuzhou Guanzhong" mode: guided by community support agriculture, through urban residents to support rural agricultural production, promote mutual trust and mutual assistance between urban and rural areas; "Xiamen Andu" mode: to culture, skills and psychology teaching as a medium, so that rural labor into the city as soon as possible become qualified citizens.
Finally, this paper points out that urban and rural community universities in Fujian and other parts of the country are one of the main bodies of rural social management innovation. They will effectively promote the "integration of urban and rural areas" and "ecological civilization construction" proposed by the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China to promote the solution of the "three rural" and "top priority" issues and the "beautiful China" strategy. Realization.


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