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发布时间:2018-09-08 17:15
[Abstract]:The research angle of this paper is based on the problems and deficiencies in the moral aspects of the students in contemporary colleges and universities, and on the basis of the practice of moral education in colleges and universities, we should pay attention to absorbing and integrating the ideological views on moral ability in the moral education resources of China and foreign countries. This paper investigates and reflects on the deficiency of moral ability of college students in our country. This paper tries to achieve the balance of research in history and logic, theory and reality, reference and absorption, under the premise of examining the domestic traditional moral education resources and the research of foreign moral ability. Through the rational analysis of the problems existing in the reality of moral education in colleges and universities in China, and combining with the text study of the mainstream ideology, this paper makes a study on the problems of moral education in the ideological and political education in colleges and universities at present. In order to provide suggestions for the improvement of individual moral ability of college students, this paper puts forward some feasible ideas for the improvement of moral ability of college students.


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