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发布时间:2018-09-09 11:14
【摘要】:研究生群体是推进我国人才强国战略实施的不可或缺的重要力量,是我国社会主义现代化建设的主力军和生力军。而研究生的政治素质是研究生综合素质的灵魂和核心素质,其政治素质如何直接关系到我国高等教育“培养什么人,如何培养人”的办学定位和方向问题,关系到建设中国特色社会主义接班人的根本问题。研究生政治素质是指在学习生活及其政治社会化过程中所形成的政治意识、政治理想、政治情感、政治立场以及政治行为等的一种内在的、稳定的品质。研究生政治素质高低不仅与自身的成长和发展息息相关,同时也和国家民族的发展息息相关,直接影响国家综合实力的强弱。在经济全球化、政治多极化、信息网络化的背景下,研究生政治素质形成和发展已成为当前思想政治教育面临的重要课题。 本论文为了全面了解我国高校研究生政治素质现状,更加有目的地开展研究生政治素质的教育,以广西高校研究生的政治素质为例,围绕研究生的政治素质,采用自编《广西高校研究生思想政治状况调查问卷》,,以抽样问卷调查的形式,对广西大学等11所高校的1189名研究生的政治素质开展抽量实证调查。研究对象涵盖了理、工、农、医、师、艺、体等专业,包括了不同政治面貌、不同性别、不同民族、不同生源、不同专业、不同年级以及不同年龄的在校研究生,调查问卷统计分析全部采用SPSS11.5进行定量统计分析。调查显示,当前高校研究生政治素质主流是好的,研究生的整体政治素质呈现积极、健康、稳定发展的总态势,绝大多数研究生具有高度的政治热情,追求理想和信念。大部分研究生具有较高的政治认同,主要表现:绝大多数的研究生高度认同中国共产党是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心,认同社会主义核心价值体系等。大部分研究生具有较高政治关注和政治参与,绝大多数的研究生普遍关注国内外和区内外重大政治和社会事件,政治观点正确、政治态度积极、政治心理和行为趋于理性。但是调查也显示,研究生政治素质发展不平衡,存在着良莠不齐的状况。当前高校研究生在政治意识、政治理想、政治认同以及政治行为等方面存在一些值得关注的问题。例如少数研究生政治理想信念不坚定,政治认同和政治关注带有显著功利色彩,政治行为带有较强的非理性特征,极少部分的研究生存在宗教信仰问题。再加上研究生身份的特殊性,长期以来高校对研究生政治素质的重视程度不够,对其现状分析不够,导致研究生政治素质及其教育问题成为我国高校思想政治教育的薄弱环节。针对高校研究生政治素质存在的问题,提出了加强和改进研究生政治素质的六个方面的对策。 本论文除导言和结语外,共分成四章:第一章,主要探讨了研究生政治素质内涵、特点以及表现形式。第二章,从研究生政治意识和理想、政治认同、政治关注以及政治行为四个方面对研究生整体政治素质进行抽量调查与分析,并针对这一现状提出基本结论和值得关注的问题。第三章,运用交叉对比分析的方法,从研究生的政治面貌、性别、民族、生源、专业、年级以及年龄等几个方面,对广西高校不同类别的研究生政治素质现状进行详细对比和深入分析,并针对这一现状提出基本结论和值得关注的问题。第四章,针对如何完善广西高校研究生政治素质教育提出建议和对策。从加强研究生理想信念教育、提高研究生认同度和关注度、拓宽研究生政治参与渠道、完善研究生自我政治教育、加强研究生导师队伍建设以及健全高校研究生思想政治教育工作管理体制六个层面,对研究生政治素质的提高进行深入的探讨和分析。
[Abstract]:Postgraduate group is an indispensable and important force to promote the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country with talented people, and is the main force and force in the socialist modernization drive of our country. The orientation and direction of "how to train people" in running a school is related to the fundamental problem of building socialist successors with Chinese characteristics.The political quality of graduate students refers to an inherent and stable product of political consciousness, political ideals, political emotions, political standpoint and political behavior formed in the process of study and life and political socialization. Quality. The political quality of graduate students is not only closely related to their own growth and development, but also closely related to the development of the nation, directly affecting the strength of the country's comprehensive strength. Important issues.
In order to fully understand the present situation of political quality of Postgraduates in Universities in China and carry out the education of political quality of Postgraduates more purposefully, this paper takes the political quality of Postgraduates in Universities in Guangxi as an example, centering on the political quality of postgraduates, adopts the self-compiled questionnaire on the ideological and political status of Postgraduates in universities in Guangxi, and adopts the form of sampling questionnaire. A sample survey was conducted on the political quality of 1 189 graduate students from 11 universities including Guangxi University. SPSS 11.5 is used to conduct quantitative statistical analysis. The survey shows that the mainstream of political quality of graduate students is good. The overall political quality of graduate students is positive, healthy and stable. Most graduate students have high political enthusiasm, pursuit of ideals and beliefs. Most of the graduate students have high political concern and participation, and most of them pay close attention to major political and social events both at home and abroad, as well as at home and abroad. However, the survey also shows that the development of graduate students'political quality is not balanced, and there is a situation of good and bad uneven. At present, there are some problems worthy of attention in the aspects of political consciousness, political ideals, political identity and political behavior. Postgraduates'political ideals and beliefs are not firm, political identity and political concern are markedly utilitarian, political behavior is strongly irrational, and a few postgraduates have religious beliefs. Insufficient, leading to the political quality of graduate students and their education problems become the weak link of Ideological and political education in China's colleges and universities.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four chapters: the first chapter, mainly discusses the connotation, characteristics and manifestations of postgraduate political quality. The second chapter, from the postgraduate political consciousness and ideals, political identity, political concern and political behavior of four aspects of the overall political quality of postgraduate survey and analysis, and for this purpose. In the third chapter, the author makes a detailed comparison and in-depth analysis of the political qualities of different types of Postgraduates in Guangxi universities from the aspects of political outlook, gender, nationality, source of students, specialty, grade and age by means of cross-comparative analysis. Chapter Four puts forward suggestions and Countermeasures on how to improve the political quality education of Postgraduates in Guangxi universities. It is necessary to strengthen the ideals and beliefs education of postgraduates, enhance their identity and concern, broaden their channels of political participation, improve their self-political education and strengthen their tutors. This paper probes into and analyzes the improvement of the political quality of graduate students from six aspects of building and perfecting the management system of Ideological and political education of graduate students.


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