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发布时间:2018-09-09 14:28
【摘要】:诚信,即诚实守信,既是为人谋事之本和创业兴邦之基,也是社会秩序正常运行的重要基础,凝结着无数中华文化的精髓。然而,在现实生活中,大学生诚信缺失现象严重,部分大学生诚信意识淡薄,如作业抄袭、考试作弊、人际交往虚假、恶意拖欠学费和国家助学贷款等。因此,提高大学生诚信意识,逐步完善大学生诚信建设的他律机制,利用刚性制度去约束大学生的行为,是目前形势下提高高校大学生诚信建设实效性的迫切要求。本文就此问题进行探讨,共分为四个部分: 第一部分,绪论。本部分主要介绍选题的背景和研究意义,通过对国内外学者诚信建设的研究现状进行综述,了解当前的国内外的研究现状。最后介绍这篇论文的创新之处以及研究方法。 第二部分,大学生诚信建设他律的内涵及意义。这部分主要对诚信和他律机制的内涵进行了分析,从科学概念入手,分析大学生诚信建设的重要性,然后阐述了他律机制在大学生诚信建设中的重要意义。 第三部分,当代大学生诚信建设的他律现状。这是本文主要内容的逻辑展开。主要分析我国当代大学生诚信建设他律取得的成绩和大学生诚信建设他律存在的现实问题,进而分析了当代大学生诚信建设的他律问题存在的原因。 第四部分,加强当代大学生诚信他律建设的策略。这是本文的主体部分。大学生诚信建设的他律机制应以优化大学生诚信建设的管理机制为切入点,健全大学生诚信档案制度,完善大学生诚信评价制度等,以加快社会信用环境机制方面的建设为重点,立足于高校诚信教育机制建设和家庭诚信教育示范机制建设,以大学生自律机制建设为支撑,使大学生的诚信建设由“他律”为“自律”,构筑规范性、针对性、可操作性和综合性的大学生诚信建设的他律机制。
[Abstract]:Honesty, that is, honesty and trustworthiness, is not only the basis of seeking for human affairs and starting a new country, but also the important foundation of the normal operation of social order, which condenses the essence of countless Chinese culture. However, in real life, the phenomenon of college students' lack of honesty is serious, and some college students have a weak sense of honesty, such as homework plagiarism, cheating in exams, false interpersonal communication, maliciously defaulting on tuition fees and state student loans. Therefore, improving college students' honesty consciousness, perfecting the heteronomy mechanism of college students' honesty construction step by step, and using rigid system to restrain college students' behavior are the urgent requirements to improve the actual effect of college students' honesty construction under the present situation. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part, introduction. This part mainly introduces the background and research significance of the topic, through the review of the research status of scholars at home and abroad, understand the current research situation at home and abroad. Finally, this paper introduces the innovation and research methods. The second part, the connotation and significance of the heteronomy of college students'honesty construction. This part mainly analyzes the connotation of honesty and heteronomy mechanism, starts with the scientific concept, analyzes the importance of college students' honesty construction, and then expounds the significance of heteronomy mechanism in the construction of college students' honesty and credit. The third part, the present situation of the construction of honesty and credit of contemporary college students. This is the logical expansion of the main content of this paper. This paper mainly analyzes the achievements of the heteronomy of the college students' honesty construction in our country and the practical problems existing in the heteronomy of the college students' honesty construction, and then analyzes the reasons for the existence of the heteronomy problems of the contemporary college students' honesty construction. The fourth part, strengthens the contemporary university student good faith heteronomy construction strategy. This is the main part of this paper. The heteronomy mechanism of college students' honesty construction should take the management mechanism of college students' honesty construction as the starting point, perfect the university students' credit archives system, perfect the university students' credit evaluation system, etc. In order to accelerate the construction of social credit environment mechanism, it is based on the construction of honesty education mechanism in colleges and universities and the demonstration mechanism of family honesty education, and is supported by the self-discipline mechanism of college students. The construction of college students' honesty and credit should be changed from "heteronomy" to "self-discipline", and a normative, targeted, operable and comprehensive heteronomy mechanism of college students' honesty construction should be constructed.


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1 韩娜;当代大学生诚信问题及对策分析[D];吉林大学;2015年




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