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发布时间:2018-09-09 16:26
【摘要】:红色旅游是近年来兴起的一种旅游休闲活动,它的发展得到了中央和地方各级政府的大力支持,也受到了各个年龄层次人民群众的喜欢。从思想政治教育的角度讲,它实现了教育载体的创新,丰富了教育内容和形式,并已经取得了很好的成效。本文从红色旅游与大学生思想政治教育的关系入手,应用思想政治教育学和旅游学等相关学科理论分析红色旅游在大学生思想政治教育中的价值,指出了该价值在实现过程中存在的困难和问题,并力图从更加全面更加新颖的角度探讨红色旅游对大学生思想政治教育的价值实现途径。 文章从四个方面论述了红色旅游与大学生思想政治教育的关系、红色旅游在大学生思想政治教育中的价值、存在的问题、影响以及价值的实现路径。论文的第一部分,以红色旅游的概念为切入点,逐步分析了红色旅游的历史内涵、政治内涵和文化内涵,进而指出了红色旅游与大学生思想政治教育相互依存相互促进的关系。论文的第二部分,详细介绍了红色旅游在大学生思想政治教育中的价值。其政治价值主要在于坚定了对社会主义、对共产党和对祖国的热爱,教育价值体现在理想信念、艰苦奋斗精神和人生价值观的教育上,文化价值主要有红色文化、地域文化和审美文化的传播价值。论文的第三部分分别从人员素质、内涵挖掘、展陈方式等方面分析了当前红色旅游在实现大学生思想政治教育价值方面存在的问题及其不良影响。论文的第四部分,从思想政治教育理论的学科角度,具体提出了实现大学生思想政治教育价值的路径方法:做好景点建设、抓好高校教育、正确引导大学生。
[Abstract]:Red tourism is a kind of tourism leisure activity rising in recent years. Its development is supported by the central and local governments at all levels, and it is also liked by the people of all ages. From the angle of ideological and political education, it realizes the innovation of educational carrier, enriches the content and form of education, and has achieved good results. Starting with the relationship between red tourism and college students' ideological and political education, this paper analyzes the value of red tourism in college students' ideological and political education by applying the theories of ideological and political education and tourism. This paper points out the difficulties and problems existing in the realization of this value, and tries to probe into the ways of realizing the value of red tourism to the ideological and political education of college students from a more comprehensive and novel angle. This paper discusses the relationship between red tourism and ideological and political education of college students, the value, the problems, the influence and the way to realize the value of red tourism in the ideological and political education of college students. The first part of the paper, with the concept of red tourism as the breakthrough point, step by step analyzes the historical connotation, political connotation and cultural connotation of red tourism, and then points out the mutually reinforcing relationship between red tourism and ideological and political education of college students. The second part introduces the value of red tourism in ideological and political education of college students. Its political value mainly lies in strengthening its love for socialism, the Communist Party and the motherland. The educational value is embodied in the education of ideals and beliefs, the spirit of hard struggle and the values of life, and the cultural value mainly consists of red culture. The spreading value of regional culture and aesthetic culture. In the third part of the paper, the author analyzes the problems existing in the realization of the value of college students' ideological and political education and its negative influence from the aspects of personnel quality, connotation mining, display and so on. The fourth part of the paper, from the perspective of the theory of ideological and political education, puts forward the way to realize the value of ideological and political education of college students: to do a good job in the construction of scenic spots, to do a good job in the education of colleges and universities, and to guide students correctly.


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