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发布时间:2018-09-10 06:10
【摘要】:伴随着高等教育的普及,在越来越多的学生有机会接受较高水平教育的同时,大学生所面临的就业压力也越来越大。怎样提高大学生的就业竞争力、综合素质和实践能力成了社会关注的焦点。在探寻高校教育和企业对接关系时发现,,职业生涯规划教育可以在二者之间架起一座桥梁,使二者之间的衔接更加顺畅,因此大学生职业生涯规划教育也正是在这一背景下逐步引起人们的关注。近年来职业生涯规划教育发展越来越迅速,但在这个过程中也暴露了一系列问题,尤其是在各种价值观不断冲击的当今社会。在对大学生进行职业生涯规划教育的过程中,社会面临着价值导向和经济投入不足的问题,高校面临着课程覆盖范围局限且开设效果不佳、职业生涯规划指导服务满意度低、职业生涯规划教育网络化程度低等问题,而大学生面临的更多是自我定位与职业定向模糊、对职业生涯规划缺乏了解、职业生涯规划方法不明确和知识获取渠道单一等众多问题。 本文的目的在于发现社会、高校和大学生自身三者在职业生涯规划教育过程中存在的问题,在进一步分析原因的基础上探索大学生职业生涯规划教育的有效路径。具体而言,绪论介绍了研究背景和研究意义,提出自己的研究思路。第二章是介绍大学生职业生涯规划教育的理论基础。第三章提出了社会、高校和大学生三方面在职业生涯规划教育过程中存在的问题。第四章分析了教育过程中存在问题的原因。第五章就如何应对大学生职业生涯规划教育过程中的困难,从社会、高校和大学三个方面展开了详细的论述。最后结语部分总结了文章的研究内容并提出了研究展望。
[Abstract]:With the popularization of higher education, more and more students have the opportunity to receive a higher level of education, at the same time, college students are facing more and more employment pressure. How to improve the employment competitiveness of college students, comprehensive quality and practical ability has become the focus of social attention. When exploring the relationship between college education and enterprise, it is found that career planning education can build a bridge between the two and make the connection between them more smooth. Therefore, it is under this background that college students' career planning education gradually attracts people's attention. In recent years, career planning education has developed more and more rapidly, but in this process a series of problems have been exposed, especially in today's society, where various values are constantly impacting. In the process of career planning education for college students, the society is faced with the problems of value orientation and insufficient economic investment, and colleges and universities are faced with the limited coverage of courses, the poor results of offering, and the low satisfaction degree of career planning guidance services. The degree of network of career planning education is low, but college students are faced with more self-orientation and career orientation fuzzy, lack of understanding of career planning, There are many problems such as unclear career planning method and single access to knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to find out the problems existing in the process of career planning education among society, universities and college students themselves, and to explore the effective path of career planning education for college students on the basis of further analysis of the reasons. Specifically, the introduction introduces the research background and significance, and puts forward its own research ideas. The second chapter introduces the theoretical basis of career planning education for college students. The third chapter points out the problems existing in the process of career planning education in three aspects: society, colleges and universities and college students. The fourth chapter analyzes the causes of the problems in the process of education. The fifth chapter discusses in detail how to deal with the difficulties in the process of college students' career planning education from three aspects: society, colleges and universities. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the research content and puts forward the research prospect.


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