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发布时间:2018-09-12 06:24
【摘要】:稷下学宫是战国时代齐国的著名学府,也是当时唯一的新型官办高等学府。其规模大、存在时间长、特点鲜明等,可谓是中华文明史上的一大奇迹。作为一所办学机构,稷下学宫在办学方面有其独特的优点。研究稷下学宫的办学特点,对我国高等学校办学有很好的启示意义。 文章共分六个部分。第一部分是绪论。简要介绍了本研究的意义、研究现状、研究思路和主要内容及研究方法等。第二部分是稷下学宫的概述。主要是分析稷下学宫建立的背景和原因、发展过程和稷下学宫的性质及历史作用。第三部分是研究稷下学宫作为办学机构所具有的特点。从学宫办学的自主、教学方式的自由多样;教师管理的择优选聘;学生管理的严格以及和谐的师生关系四个方面探究稷下学宫的办学特点。第四部分是基于稷下学宫的办学特点来谈我国高校办学中存在的问题。高校缺乏足够的办学自主权;教学方法缺乏创新;教师管理机制不完善;学生的学风不踏实,道德教育被忽视等;还有师生关系方面的沟通少,关系淡化等问题。文章第五部分是借鉴稷下学宫的办学经验,,为我国搞下办学提出几点启示,即提高高校办学自主权;创新教学模式,提高教学质量;尊师重道,完善高校教师管理;严格规范学生管理,提升学生素质;建立新型的和谐师生关系。第六部分是结语。 希望通过本研究,能够以史为鉴,为我国高校办学提供一些可供参考的建议和意见。
[Abstract]:Jixia School Palace was a famous school of Qi in the warring States period, and the only new government-run institution of higher learning at that time. It is a great miracle in the history of Chinese civilization. As a school-running institution, Jixia School Palace has its unique advantages in running a school. The study of the characteristics of Jixia School has a good enlightening significance for the running of colleges and universities in our country. The article is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction. This paper briefly introduces the significance of this study, research status, research ideas, main contents and research methods. The second part is the summary of Jixia School Palace. This paper mainly analyzes the background and reason of the establishment of Jixia School Palace, the development process and the nature and historical function of Jixia School Palace. The third part is to study the characteristics of Jixia School as a school. This paper probes into the characteristics of Jixia School from four aspects: the independence of the school, the variety of teaching methods, the selection and employment of teachers' management, the strict management of students and the harmonious relationship between teachers and students. The fourth part discusses the problems existing in the running of colleges and universities in China based on the characteristics of Jixia School. Colleges and universities lack sufficient autonomy; lack of innovation in teaching methods; teachers' management mechanism is not perfect; students' style of study is not down-to-earth, moral education is ignored; there is little communication between teachers and students, relationship desalination and so on. The fifth part of the article is to draw lessons from the experience of Jixia School and put forward some enlightenments for our country, that is, to improve the autonomy of running a university, to innovate the teaching mode, to improve the teaching quality, to respect the teachers and to improve the management of college teachers. Strictly standardize student management, improve student quality, and establish a new type of harmonious teacher-student relationship. The sixth part is the conclusion. It is hoped that this study can draw lessons from history and provide some suggestions and suggestions for colleges and universities in China.


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