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发布时间:2018-09-18 08:04
【摘要】:绩效管理作为一种有效的管理工具和方法,于上世纪80年代引入我国医院,该方法能够把医院的战略目标和个人目标联系起来,有助于提高医院管理水平和实现现代化医院的可持续性发展战略,在各大医院的经营管理中发挥了积极的作用。 但是,目前国内医院临床教师绩效管理尚缺乏系统的理论研究,更没有成功经验可循。综合医院临床教学管理水平普遍较低,对临床教师的教学工作绩效缺少有效的考核机制和实施方法。有鉴于此,本文在查阅大量国内外有关研究资料,吸取国内医院实施绩效管理制度积累的经验,以及专家学者对高校教师绩效管理制度研究成果的基础上,以南通大学附属医院临床教师绩效管理为研究对象,对南通大学附属医院临床教师管理现状进行了调查了解,并深入分析临床教师绩效管理存在的问题及原因。在研究中通过对南通大学附属医院临床教师进行工作分析,比较其职位特点,编写岗位说明书,并进一步设计了包括绩效目标、绩效计划、薪酬体系、绩效考核体系在内的南通大学附属医院临床教师绩效管理方案,同时提出了具体的实施方法。 本文提出的临床教师绩效管理方案对于南通大学附属医院的教学管理工作具有直接的指导作用,同时该方案对其它综合性教学医院的临床教学管理也有一定的借鉴意义。
[Abstract]:As an effective management tool and method, performance management was introduced into Chinese hospitals in the 1980s. This method can link the strategic objectives of hospitals with individual goals. It helps to improve the level of hospital management and realize the sustainable development strategy of modern hospitals and plays an active role in the operation and management of major hospitals. However, there is a lack of systematic theoretical research on clinical teacher performance management in domestic hospitals, and there is no successful experience to follow. The level of clinical teaching management in general hospitals is generally low, and there is a lack of effective assessment mechanism and implementation methods for the teaching performance of clinical teachers. In view of this, this paper, on the basis of consulting a large number of domestic and foreign relevant research materials, absorbing the experience accumulated in the implementation of performance management system in domestic hospitals, and the achievements of experts and scholars on the performance management system of university teachers, Taking the clinical teacher performance management of Nantong University affiliated Hospital as the research object, this paper investigates the current situation of clinical teacher management in Nantong University affiliated Hospital, and analyzes the problems and causes of clinical teacher performance management. In the study, the clinical teachers of Nantong University affiliated Hospital were analyzed, compared their position characteristics, compiled job descriptions, and further designed including performance goals, performance plans, compensation system. The performance management scheme of clinical teachers in Nantong University affiliated Hospital, including performance appraisal system, is put forward. The clinical teacher performance management scheme proposed in this paper has direct guiding effect on the teaching management of Nantong University affiliated hospital, and it also has certain reference significance for clinical teaching management of other comprehensive teaching hospitals.


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