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发布时间:2018-09-18 13:53
【摘要】:道德是我们生活中做人的基本原则,我们在中学时代就已经开设了思想政治课,对道德也有了一定的了解。职业活动是一种最基本的人类社会实践活动,而在职业活动实践过程中所形成的职业道德则是对职业活动发展定律的操守,是一种高度社会化的道德信仰,它贯穿于个人的职业活动、职业发展乃至整个经济社会、政治社会发展的全过程,同时也是调节社会经济市场秩序的有效手段之一。 随着经济全球化、科技全球化的深入发展,我国社会主义市场经济体制进程的持续加快,人民的生活水平得到极大提高、生活方式发生深刻变化,社会结构也随着人民生活水平的提高和生活方式的变化而重新整合。这种社会结构的变化,对人们的职业观念、职业选择以及职业道德教育环境产生广泛而深刻、直接又重大的影响。职业道德作为中国新时期公民四大道德建设(社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德、个人品德)的着力点和关键环节,重视职业道德教育建设,不仅能更好地反映出一定阶段内我国社会发展所需要的道德要求和道德风貌,还能在职业道德教育过程中学习如何“规避道德风险、分析道德冲突、化解道德困惑、完善道德选择”,从而进一步完善我国社会主义市场经济秩序。同样,良好的职业道德也会成为规避社会风险的有效屏障、会成为优化职业生涯的坚实基础、会成为创造幸福人生、发展和谐社会的有力保证。 财经类高校作为培养财经人才的重要基地,肩负着培育我国特色社会主义高等财经人才的任务,而财经类高校大学生职业道德水平的高低则直接关系到我国特色社会主义市场经济和财经行业能否健康有序地发展。面对经济全球化对我国社会结构、经济、政治、文化及道德等各方面的影响与冲击,新时期财经类高校的高等财经教育不仅是一种以“社会财经人才需要”为导向的就业教育,更是一种以“强化财经专业知识”为基础,以“培养高层次、创新型财经类人才”为目标,以“促进社会经济健康、可持续发展”为根本宗旨,以“服务社会”为己任的现代高等教育。这就为新时期我国财经类高校的高等财经教育发展提供了有益借鉴,即财经类高校在高等财经教育过程中应该注重培育“十字型”高素质、复合创新型财经人才,这就要求财经类高校大学生除了在时代化、国际化专业视野熏陶下扎实掌握专业知识和专业技能外,同时还要注重培养自身在经济生活中树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,形成良好的财经职业道德去服务社会,增强财经类高校大学生对我国经济社会建设的使命感、紧迫感和责任感。 因此,研究财经类高校大学生职业道德教育,培养财经类高校大学生具备良好的职业道德,不仅有利于提升财经类高校大学生的职场竞争力,还有利于财经类高校人才培养模式和教育教学范式的转换与创新,更有利于我国社会主义市场经济进一步健康有序地发展。 文章第一部分先对财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的相关理论进行分析。首先是经济伦理学基本理论,主要围绕着为什么要引入经济伦理学,伦理学与经济伦理学之间的关系以及经济伦理学的理论基础来阐述。具体探讨了经济伦理学作为提高财经类高校大学生职业道德素质的重要性,在学校教学过程中要将这些知识点充分地融入财经类高校大学生职业道德教育过程中,从伦理学、经济伦理学及其所体现的“以人为本”的思想,以及从有助于我国市场经济稳定发展这个角度来思考和提升财经类高校大学生职业道德教育水平。其次是道德与职业道德理论,主要围绕着道德的本质、职业道德的内涵和功能来加深对这两个理论的认识。道德是职业道德的基础表现形式,同时也是我们生产生活当中评价一个人的基本准则,它是随着社会发展对个人进步的要求不同而不断进行改变的。职业道德从某种意义上说是个人在工作过程中自身道德品质的一种表现形式,也是衡量一个人是否能被社会所认可的标准之一。它具有五个功能:培养个人诚实守信的观念、帮助提高个人良好素质、降低单位用人风险、促进我国市场经济发展、提高自身职业道德认识等。第三是财经职业道德理论,包括财经职业道德的内涵、功能以及经济伦理学与财经职业道德的关系。其中,财经职业道德的功能主要表现在指导功能、评价功能和教化功能上。 文章第二部分是对财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的目标、内容及原则进行梳理和归纳。首先是财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的必要性,主要体现在有助于提升财经类高校大学生职场竞争力、有助于财经类高校人才培养模式和教育教学范式的转换与创新及有利于我国社会主义市场经济的健康有序发展这三个方面。其次是财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的目标,主要是是围绕培养学生诚实守信、尊重客观事实和遵守行业规则来实现,只有明确目标,才能在财经职业道德教育过程中根据学科特点和学生实际情况有针对性地开展教育措施,顺应市场竞争的发展趋势。第三是财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的内容,包括普及经济伦理学相关理论、掌握正确的财经职业道德知识、树立坚定的财经职业道德信念和培养良好的财经职业道德决策能力这四个内容。第四是财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的原则,主要有学生个人基本道德素质与职业道德素质共同增长的原则。 文章第三部分是对财经类高校大学生职业道德教育现状和教育过程中的问题的进行分析。首先肯定了财经类高校大学生职业道德教育取得的成绩,主要表现在社会环境和学校教学环节对职业道德教育的重视。接着根据对财经类高校部分大学生的随机走访调查,以访谈的形式来考察学生职业道德基础是否牢靠,行为是否得当,素质是否良好,但结果不尽人意,这表明虽然很多学校在职业道德教育过程中注意到了教学过程的深化,但财经职业道德教育不是简单的表面知识传授,而是理念的渗透和行为的反馈。其次是对财经类高校大学生职业道德教育问题的归纳及其原因的分析,主要表现在财经类高校大学生职业道德教育目标模糊、观念滞后、职业道德教育课程研究体系尚未形成、教育途径单一、方法落后以及财经类高校大学生职业道德教育师资力量薄弱等四个方面。 文章第四部分是加强和改进财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的对策探讨。根据文章第三部分对存在问题的分析,加强和改进财经类高校大学生职业道德教育的对策主要有以下几个方面:首先是要更新财经类高校大学生职业道德教育观念,通过不断优化调节课堂气氛,让学生将平时的道德理念与职业道德素质相结合,用自己的道德观去衡量自身职业道德的不足,并且及时更新教育观念,丰富教学理念,提升教学魅力。其次是要明确财经类高校大学生职业道德教育目标,在教学过程中,教师不仅要完善自身的教学目标,深挖教学观点,还要根据学生个人特点制定出相应的教学目标。同时,还应当注重与学生心灵上的沟通,及时关注学生可能会出现的道德失范行为。第三是要完善财经类高校大学生职业道德教育课程体系,通过加大学校对财经职业道德教育的建设力度,将课程设置变得更加合理。完善相关教学体系,主要包括将道德教育和专业教育相结合、必修课和选修课相结合及显性课程与隐性课程相结合。第四是要丰富和创新财经类高校大学生职业道德教育途径和方法,主要是通过走出课堂、走入基层,在实践中总结道理,在生活中领悟职业道德的真谛。第五是要加强财经类高校大学生职业道德教育师资力量建设,这是保证正常教学水平的前提,主要通过加强财经类高校教师师德建设、提升财经类高校教师师资队伍建设这两个方面来完善。第六是要建立财经类高校大学生职业道德教育评价机制,有效监督教学过程中存在的问题,包括财经类高校大学生职业道德教育水平评价以及职业道德教学效果的评价。 以上就是本文的主要内容和主要观点,在分析和写作过程中出现的不足之处还请广大学者、老师能够提出相应的意见以及建议,与此同时希望我个人的观点能够给财经类高校大学生职业道德教育发展带来一定的帮助。
[Abstract]:Morality is the basic principle of our life. We have already set up the ideological and political course in middle school and have a certain understanding of morality. A highly socialized moral belief runs through the whole process of individual professional activities, professional development and even the whole economic, social and political development. It is also one of the effective means to regulate the social and economic market order.
With the deepening development of economic globalization and scientific and technological globalization, China's socialist market economic system continues to accelerate the process, the people's living standards have been greatly improved, the way of life has undergone profound changes, and the social structure has been re-integrated with the improvement of the people's living standards and changes in the way of life. Professional ethics, as the focus and key link of the four major civic ethics construction (social morality, professional morality, family virtue, personal morality) in the new period of China, can not only be better if we attach importance to the construction of professional ethics education. It reflects the moral requirements and features needed by the social development of our country in a certain period of time, and can also learn how to "avoid moral hazards, analyze moral conflicts, resolve moral confusion and improve moral choices" in the process of professional moral education, so as to further improve the socialist market economic order of our country. Virtue will also become an effective barrier to avoid social risks, a solid basis for optimizing career, and a powerful guarantee for creating a happy life and developing a harmonious society.
As an important base for training financial and economic talents, financial and Economic Colleges and universities shoulder the task of cultivating socialist higher financial and economic talents with Chinese characteristics, while the level of professional ethics of financial and economic college students is directly related to the healthy and orderly development of socialist market economy and financial industry with Chinese characteristics. China's social structure, economy, politics, culture and morality and other aspects of the impact and impact of the new era of higher financial and economic education is not only a "social financial talent needs" oriented employment education, but also a "strengthening financial expertise" based on "training high-level, innovative financial and economic talent" "To promote social and economic health, sustainable development" as the basic purpose, and "serving the society" as its own responsibility of modern higher education, this provides a useful reference for the development of higher financial education in China's financial and Economic Colleges and universities in the new period, that is, financial and Economic Colleges and universities in the process of higher financial education should focus on cultivating "cross-shaped" High-quality, compound and innovative financial and economic talents, which requires financial and economic college students in addition to the era, the international professional vision of a solid grasp of professional knowledge and skills, but also pay attention to cultivating their own economic life to establish a correct outlook on life, values and world outlook, to form a good financial and economic professional ethics. Serving the society and enhancing the sense of mission, urgency and responsibility of college students majoring in finance and economics to our country's economic and social construction.
Therefore, studying the professional ethics education of financial and economic college students and cultivating good professional ethics of financial and economic college students are not only conducive to enhancing the job competitiveness of financial and Economic College students, but also conducive to the transformation and innovation of talent training mode and teaching mode of financial and Economic College students, and more conducive to the socialist market in China. The economy develops further and healthily and orderly.
The first part of the article first analyzes the relevant theories of professional ethics education for Financial College students. First, the basic theory of economic ethics, mainly around why to introduce economic ethics, the relationship between ethics and economic ethics, and the theoretical basis of economic ethics. As the importance of improving the professional ethics quality of college students in finance and economics, these knowledge points should be fully integrated into the professional ethics education process of college students in finance and economics, from ethics, economic ethics and its embodied "people-oriented" thinking, as well as from contributing to the stability of China's market economy. Secondly, the theory of morality and professional ethics, which mainly revolves around the essence of morality, the connotation and function of professional ethics, is to deepen the understanding of these two theories. Professional ethics, in a sense, is a manifestation of one's own moral qualities in the course of work, and one of the criteria for judging whether one can be accepted by society. It has five functions: cultivation Third, the theory of financial professional ethics, including the connotation, function and the relationship between economic ethics and financial professional ethics. The functions of morality are mainly manifested in guiding function, evaluation function and educational function.
The second part of the article is to sort out and summarize the objectives, contents and principles of professional ethics education for Financial College students. First of all, the necessity of professional ethics education for financial college students is mainly reflected in the promotion of the competitiveness of Financial College Students in the workplace, and in the training mode and education of Financial College students. The transformation and innovation of teaching paradigm and the healthy and orderly development of socialist market economy in our country are the three aspects. Secondly, the goal of professional ethics education for college students in finance and economics is to cultivate students'honesty and trustworthiness, respect for objective facts and abide by the rules of the profession. The third is the content of professional ethics education for Financial College students, including popularizing relevant theories of economic ethics, mastering correct knowledge of professional ethics of Finance and economics, and establishing firm financial profession. Fourth, the principles of professional ethics education for Financial College students, mainly the principle of the common growth of students'basic moral quality and professional ethics quality.
The third part of the article is the analysis of the present situation and problems in the process of the professional ethics education of Financial College students. Firstly, it affirms the achievements of the professional ethics education of Financial College students, mainly in the social environment and school teaching links. Some college students are interviewed to find out whether their professional ethics is solid, their behavior is proper and their quality is good, but the results are unsatisfactory. This shows that although many schools have noticed the deepening of the teaching process in the process of professional ethics education, the financial professional ethics education is not a simple table. Secondly, it summarizes and analyzes the problems of professional ethics education in financial and Economic Colleges and universities, mainly manifested in the obscurity of the objectives of professional ethics education, the lag of ideas, the absence of a curriculum research system for professional ethics education, and the singleness of educational approaches. Backward methods and four aspects such as weak professional ethics education and weak teachers in finance and Economics Universities.
According to the analysis of the existing problems in the third part of the article, the countermeasures to strengthen and improve the professional ethics education of the students in the financial and Economic Colleges and universities mainly include the following aspects: first, to renew the professional ethics education of the students in the financial and Economic Colleges and Universities Ideas, by constantly optimizing and adjusting the classroom atmosphere, let students combine their usual moral concepts with professional ethics, use their own moral values to measure their own shortcomings of professional ethics, and timely update educational concepts, enrich teaching concepts, enhance teaching charm. Secondly, it is necessary to clarify the Financial College Students'professional ethics education program. In the process of teaching, teachers should not only perfect their own teaching objectives, dig deep into their teaching viewpoints, but also formulate corresponding teaching objectives according to students'individual characteristics. At the same time, they should also pay attention to the communication with students in mind, and pay timely attention to students' possible moral anomies. Third, they should improve the career of College students majoring in finance and economics. The curriculum system of moral education should be improved by strengthening the construction of financial and economic professional ethics education. The relevant teaching system should be improved, including the combination of moral education and professional education, the combination of compulsory and elective courses, and the combination of explicit and implicit courses. The ways and means of professional ethics education for economic college students are mainly through going out of the classroom, going to the grass-roots level, summing up the truth in practice and comprehending the true meaning of professional ethics in life. Fifth, we should strengthen the construction of professional ethics education teachers for Financial College students, which is the premise of ensuring the normal teaching level, mainly through strengthening. The sixth is to establish an evaluation mechanism for the professional ethics education of college students in financial and Economic Colleges and to effectively supervise the existing problems in the teaching process, including the evaluation of the professional ethics education level and the professional ethics of college students in financial and Economic Colleges and universities. Evaluation of teaching effectiveness.
Above is the main content of this article and the main point of view, in the analysis and writing process of the shortcomings also invited the vast number of scholars, teachers can put forward corresponding opinions and suggestions, at the same time I hope my personal point of view can bring some help to the development of Financial College Students'professional ethics education.


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