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发布时间:2018-10-08 14:22
【摘要】:1999年,我国高校开始大规模扩招,高校的办校规模不断扩大,这使得办学资源日益紧张起来,如何保证和提高高等教育的教学质量,逐渐成为各大高校深化教育教学改革的焦点和热点,同时也受到全社会的普遍关注。在这种背景下,各高校借鉴国家的教育督导制度,逐渐建立了符合本校实际情况的教学督导制度,利用教学督导这种手段监督检查教学全过程,同时起到督促指导作用,以便提高教育教学质量。 高校教学督导工作是目前我国高校普遍采用的一种教学质量监控手段,在提高教学质量方面发挥了积极作用。但当前我国高校教学督导实施状况并不乐观,在工作实施的过程中还存在一些问题,如高校教学督导的管理制度和管理体制尚不够完善,教学督导内容和方式比较单一,督导员队伍专业化程度不高,教学督导的效果不尽如人意等等。本文通过调查研究,发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,落脚点放在完善高校教学督导的管理制度、充实教学督导内容和方式、建立一支科学合理的教学督导员队伍、力争使教学督导收到良好的效果等方面,提出解决问题的对策和意见建议,以期提升高校教学督导工作的价值,使其在高校教学中发挥出应有作用,同时也为后续研究提供了一些思考路径。 本文的写作主要利用调查问卷法,辅助以文献法和访谈法。全文共分为三部分,第一部分为选题提出的背景,研究的目的和意义,并通过对国内外文献的查阅,找到国内外一些关于教学督导现状、存在问题及改进措施的观点看法;第二部分,通过对高校教师和教学督导员进行问卷调查,配合个别访谈,找到目前高校中教学督导工作的现状;第三部分,发现高校教学督导中存在的问题,分析问题形成的原因,并提出解决这些问题的对策。
[Abstract]:In 1999, China's colleges and universities began to expand their enrollment on a large scale, and the scale of running colleges and universities continued to expand, which made the resources of running schools increasingly tight. How to ensure and improve the teaching quality of higher education? It has gradually become the focus and hot spot of deepening the education and teaching reform in colleges and universities, and has also received the universal attention of the whole society. Under this background, colleges and universities draw lessons from the national educational supervision system, and gradually establish a teaching supervision system that conforms to the actual situation of the university, and uses the means of teaching supervision to supervise and inspect the whole process of teaching, and at the same time, it plays the role of supervision and guidance. In order to improve the quality of education and teaching. Teaching supervision in colleges and universities is a kind of teaching quality monitoring means which is widely used in colleges and universities in our country at present. It has played an active role in improving teaching quality. However, the implementation of teaching supervision in colleges and universities in our country is not optimistic, and there are still some problems in the process of implementation, such as the management system and management system of teaching supervision in colleges and universities are not perfect enough, and the contents and methods of teaching supervision are relatively simple. The level of specialization of supervisors is not high, the effect of teaching supervision is not satisfactory and so on. Through investigation and research, finding problems, analyzing problems, solving problems, we should focus on perfecting the management system of teaching supervision in colleges and universities, enriching the contents and methods of teaching supervision, and establishing a scientific and reasonable teaching supervisor team. In order to promote the value of teaching supervision in colleges and universities and make it play its due role in teaching, the author puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to solve the problems in order to make the teaching supervision receive good results. At the same time, it also provides some thinking ways for the follow-up research. The writing of this paper mainly uses questionnaire method, assisted by literature method and interview method. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part is the background of the topic, the purpose and significance of the study, and through the reference of domestic and foreign literature, find some domestic and foreign views on the current situation of teaching supervision, existing problems and improvement measures; The second part, through the questionnaire survey to the university teachers and the teaching supervisor, cooperate with the individual interview, find the present situation of the teaching supervision work in the university at present; the third part, discover the problems existing in the university teaching supervision, Analyze the causes of the problems, and put forward solutions to these problems.


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