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发布时间:2018-10-12 10:51
【摘要】:党的十八大报告提出了加强和改进思想政治教育的要求:“注重人文关怀和心理疏导,培育自尊自信、理性平和、积极向上的社会心态。”国民心态是社会心态的重要内容,是国民带有一定社会普遍性、共同性的心理状态。它是人们思想、行为的导向器。大学生的国民心态,就是大学生这一特定群体对国家、民族、世界的整体认知、评价和行为反应。 大学生作为未来社会建设发展的劳动者和社会事业的接班人,不仅具备良好的文化素质和较高的思想道德水平,而且拥有敢拼敢闯的创新精神,肩负着祖国的希望和民族的未来。同时,大学生正处于人生快速成长期,其人生观、世界观、价值观尚未定型,易于受到外界因素的影响,具有较强的可塑性。因此,培育大学生健康国民心态具有重要的现实意义和历史意义。 本文以培育大学生健康国民心态为出发点和落脚点,结合思想政治教育的基本原理对如何培育大学生健康国民心态进行了探讨。全文共分为五个部分:第一部分是对该选题的研究背景、意义、方法及相关概念进行概括和阐释,并对国内外关于国民心态的研究做出综述分析。第二部分对培育大学生健康国民心态的必要性进行了分析。第三部分是从大学生国民心态的基本定义出发,通过调查分析大学生国民心态的现状,对大学生国民心态中的积极部分、消极部分进行了论述。第四部分是从市场经济、当代社会思潮、网络、学校和家庭教育以及大学生自身等多角度出发,分析出影响大学生消极国民心态形成的原因。第五部分是文章论述的重点,主要是从社会、网络、学校、家庭、大学生自身等多方面入手采取相应的对策来培育大学生健康国民心态。
[Abstract]:The report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC put forward the requirements of strengthening and improving ideological and political education: "pay attention to humanistic care and psychological guidance, cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, rational peace, and positive social mentality." National mentality is an important content of social mentality, and it is a national psychological state with certain social universality and commonality. It is the guide of people's thought and behavior. The national mentality of college students is the whole cognition, evaluation and behavior response of college students to the country, nation and world. As the laborers and successors of the social construction and development in the future, college students not only possess good cultural quality and higher ideological and moral level, but also have the innovative spirit that dares to fight and dare to enter. Shoulder the hope of the motherland and the future of the nation. At the same time, college students are in a period of rapid growth of life, their outlook on life, world outlook, values have not been finalized, easy to be affected by external factors, has a strong plasticity. Therefore, the cultivation of healthy national mentality of college students has important practical and historical significance. Based on the basic principles of ideological and political education, this paper discusses how to cultivate the healthy national mentality of college students. The full text is divided into five parts: the first part is the research background, significance, methods and related concepts of this topic to summarize and explain, and domestic and foreign research on the national mentality to make a summary and analysis. The second part analyzes the necessity of cultivating college students'healthy national mentality. The third part is based on the basic definition of college students' national mentality, through the investigation and analysis of the status quo of college students' national mentality, the positive part and the negative part of the college students' national mentality are discussed. The fourth part is from the market economy, the contemporary social trend of thought, the network, the school and the family education as well as the university student and so on many angles, analyzes the influence university student negative national mentality formation reason. The fifth part is the focus of the article, mainly from the social, network, school, family, college students themselves and other aspects to take appropriate measures to cultivate a healthy national mentality of college students.


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