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发布时间:2018-10-14 08:58
【摘要】:随着高校改革的逐步推进,高校人事制度改革也在不断深化,薪酬制度作为高校人事制度的重要组成部分,其改革直接影响教师的工作积极性,关系到教师的个人价值与高校的战略价值的实现,对国家未来人才的培养和社会经济发展产生重要的影响,,因此,高校教师薪酬制度改革对高校具有非常重要的现实意义。从根本上讲,在知识经济条件下,高校教师薪酬制度要体现其激励作用,必须充分关注和体现人力资本的价值。因此,改革高校教师薪酬制度就必然要与人力资本价值的确定联系起来,进行分析和思考。鉴于当前我国高校教师薪酬制度己经不能真实反映教师的人力资本价值,成为影响高校教师价值实现的关键因素,因此,在高校教师人力资本价值实现的基础上设计薪酬制度具有紧迫性和现实性。 基于以上背景,本文基于人力资本理论,从高校教师人力资本价值实现的视角,研究和探讨如何通过构建科学合理的高校教师薪酬制度。本文首先对国内外有关人力资本价值和薪酬制度的相关文献加以整理总结,对人力资本理论、人力资本价值内涵以及高校教师人力资本价值特征以及高校教师人力资本价值与薪酬制度的相关性等进行了阐述;通过实地调研,开展问卷调查和数据整理对我国现有环境制度下高校教师的人力资本价值实现情况以及相应的薪酬制度现状进行了具体分析;然后,通过借鉴美国、德国、日本、印度四国的以人力资本价值实现为导向的高校教师薪酬制度设计的做法和经验,提出了要通过建立符合我国高校教师特点的薪酬制度使高校教师的人力资本价值得到尽可能的实现的观点,并基于我国新一轮事业单位收入分配制度改革的背景下,设计了生涯补偿模式和绩效薪酬模式相结合的高校教师薪酬制度框架。
[Abstract]:With the development of the reform of colleges and universities, the reform of personnel system in colleges and universities is also deepening. As an important part of the personnel system in colleges and universities, the reform of salary system directly affects the enthusiasm of teachers. It relates to the individual value of teachers and the realization of strategic value of colleges and universities, and has an important influence on the cultivation of talents and the development of social economy in the future. Therefore, the reform of the salary system of teachers in colleges and universities is of great practical significance to colleges and universities. Fundamentally speaking, under the condition of knowledge economy, the value of human capital must be fully paid attention to in order to reflect the incentive function of the salary system of university teachers. Therefore, the reform of college teachers' compensation system must be linked with the determination of human capital value. In view of the fact that the current salary system of college teachers in our country can no longer truly reflect the human capital value of teachers, it has become a key factor affecting the realization of teachers' value in colleges and universities. It is urgent and realistic to design the compensation system on the basis of realizing the value of university teachers' human capital. Based on the above background, this paper, based on the theory of human capital, studies and discusses how to construct a scientific and reasonable salary system for college teachers from the perspective of realizing the value of university teachers' human capital. This paper first summarizes the relevant literature on the human capital value and compensation system at home and abroad, and analyzes the theory of human capital. The connotation of human capital value, the characteristics of university teachers' human capital value, and the correlation between human capital value and salary system of university teachers are expounded. Carry on the questionnaire survey and the data collation to carry on the concrete analysis to the realization of the human capital value of the university teacher under the present environment system of our country and the corresponding salary system present situation; then, through drawing lessons from the United States, Germany, Japan, The practice and experience of the design of the compensation system for teachers in colleges and universities guided by the realization of the value of human capital in the four countries of India, This paper puts forward the point of view that the human capital value of university teachers should be realized as far as possible by establishing a salary system that conforms to the characteristics of university teachers in our country, and based on the background of the new round of reform of income distribution system of public institutions in our country. This paper designs a framework of college teachers' compensation system which combines career compensation model with performance compensation model.


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