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发布时间:2018-10-15 15:42
【摘要】:目的:通过了解某医科大学“卓越医生教育培养计划5年制试点班改革”的实施过程中学生的学习动机、学习状态和学习成绩,探讨教学改革方案对学生的影响,从而为评价该教学改革的可行性和教学效果提供依据,为教学改革提出反馈性建议。 方法:本研究采用跟踪问卷调查法,以权威的学习动机量表和自编的学习状态调查问卷为测量工具进行施测。使用卡方检验、验证性因子分析来检验问卷的信度和效度;使用描述性统计分析、T检验来研究探讨不同班组和不同人口特征的学生在学习动机、学习状态和学习成绩三个方面是否存在差异;使用多重相关分析来探讨学习动机、学习状态和学习成绩三者之间的相互关系。 结果:1.经过第一个学期的教学改革,实验班的学习动机稍有增强,而对照班稍有减弱;而且实验班的总学习动机显著强于对照班。因此,教学改革方案在激发和促进学生的学习动机方面取得了一定的效果;但是学习动机的增强并不显著,可能和改革时间短有关,效果还有待进一步观察,而且教学改革也应该对此问题给予足够的重视。2.学习动机具体表现:整体上,学生的内部动机强于外部动机,而且在外部动机中最强的是关注人际竞争。不同年龄之间学习动机稍有差别;女生总学习动机强于男生。3.学习状态具体表现:将学期末和学期初相比,实验班的学习态度、学习目标、自我效能感和满意度均存在显著差异,但是学习态度、学习目标和自我效能感都减弱,只有满意度增强;对照班只有学习目标和自我效能感呈显著差异,而且均减弱;实验班的学习兴趣强于对照班。4.学习成绩具体表现:考试课的成绩在实验班和对照班之间存在显著差异,实验班明显高于对照班;考查课的成绩在实验班和对照班之间没有显著差异。5.学习动机、学习状态和学习成绩三者的关系是相互联系、相互影响的。挑战性动机、关注人际竞争动机、总学习动机、学习兴趣、学习态度、学习目标都是应该重视的因素。 结论:根据本次研究发现,,某医科大学的“卓越医生教育培养计划5年制试点班改革”在激发学生学习动机方面取得了一定的进展,也有进一步改进的空间,建议:1.要使学生的外部动机间接转化为内部动机。通过开展形式丰富的教育活动,将学生原来以满足个人需求为中心的动机,转化为与合格行医者必备的思想道德和职业素质相一致的动机,在该动机下的学习才更加符合医学教育的使命和目标。2.理论教学应密切联系临床实际,从学生入学开始就开展各类早期接触临床的相关活动。3.教师在教学过程中应经常与学生沟通交流,了解不同学生的特点,因材施教。4.教师要改进教学方法,灵活运用多种教学手段。5.引导学生掌握恰当的学习医学的方法。
[Abstract]:Objective: to explore the influence of the teaching reform scheme on the students' learning motivation, learning status and academic achievement in the course of the implementation of the "five year pilot Class Reform of the excellent Doctor Education Plan" in a medical university. Therefore, it provides the basis for evaluating the feasibility and teaching effect of the teaching reform, and puts forward some feedback suggestions for the teaching reform. Methods: the method of tracking questionnaire was used to measure the learning motivation scale and the self-made questionnaire of learning status. Chi-square test and confirmatory factor analysis were used to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, descriptive statistical analysis and T test were used to study the learning motivation of students with different classes and different demographic characteristics. Whether there are differences in the three aspects of learning state and achievement, and using multiple correlation analysis to explore the relationship among learning motivation, learning state and learning achievement. The result is 1: 1. After the teaching reform in the first semester, the learning motivation of the experimental class was slightly enhanced, while that of the control class was slightly weakened, and the total learning motivation of the experimental class was significantly stronger than that of the control class. Therefore, the teaching reform program has achieved some results in stimulating and promoting the students' learning motivation, but the enhancement of the learning motivation is not significant, it may be related to the short time of the reform, and the effect needs to be further observed. And teaching reform should pay enough attention to this problem. 2. On the whole, students' internal motivation is stronger than that of external motivation, and the most important external motivation is to pay attention to interpersonal competition. There is a slight difference in learning motivation between different ages; female students are better than boys in learning motivation. 3. There were significant differences in learning attitude, learning goal, self-efficacy and satisfaction between the experimental class and the beginning of the semester, but the learning attitude, learning goal and self-efficacy were all weakened. Only the degree of satisfaction was enhanced, the control class had significant difference in learning goal and self-efficacy, and the interest of the experimental class was stronger than that of the control class. 4. The specific performance of the test class: there was significant difference between the experimental class and the control class, the experimental class was significantly higher than the control class, and there was no significant difference between the experimental class and the control class. 5. The relationships among learning motivation, learning state and academic achievement are interrelated and influence each other. Challenging motivation, interpersonal competition motivation, total learning motivation, learning interest, learning attitude and learning goal are all important factors. Conclusion: according to the findings of this study, the "five year pilot Class Reform of excellent Doctor Education Program" of a medical university has made some progress in stimulating students' learning motivation, and there is also room for further improvement. The suggestions are as follows: 1. Students' external motivation should be indirectly transformed into internal motivation. By carrying out a variety of educational activities, students' original motivation of meeting their personal needs is transformed into a motivation consistent with the ideological, moral and professional qualities necessary for qualified practitioners to practise medicine. Learning under this motivation is more in line with the mission and goals of medical education. 2. Theoretical teaching should be closely related to clinical practice, and all kinds of early contact with clinical activities should be carried out from the beginning of students' admission. 3. Teachers in the teaching process should often communicate with students to understand the characteristics of different students, teaching according to their aptitude. 4. Teachers should improve teaching methods and use various teaching methods flexibly. 5. Guide students to master the proper methods of learning medicine.


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