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发布时间:2018-10-17 20:07
【摘要】:1994年我国正式接入国际互联网后,高校网络思想政治教育也随之蓬勃发展。网络影响了高校思想政治教育的发展,给传统的思想政治教育形式带来冲击。高校网络思想政治教育既是新机遇,同时也是新的挑战。从网络文本的全新视角出发,挖掘高校在开展思想政治教育的过程中所运用的不同文本形式,研究不同类型的高校思想政治教育网络文本的特点与作用,以加强和改进大学生的思想政治教育。 网络文本不只是网络上的文字、数值和字符,它是一种超文本的概念,还包括了图片、音频、视频、动画等形式的数据。研究高校思想政治教育网络文本需要把这些数据自身的不同,或者因不同的组合方式而产生的不同总结归纳出来,分析利弊,从而更好地为高校思想政治教育服务。 文章首先明确了网络文本和高校思想政治教育网络文本的定义,并根据不同的分类标准对高校思想政治教育网络文本进行了系统性分类。分析其特点,研究其作用。结合国家关于大学生思想政治教育的方针政策和互联网在我国的发展情况分时期探究了高校思想政治教育网络文本的三个发展阶段:被动探索阶段、主动迎战阶段和深入发展阶段。根据目前我国高校思想政治教育网络文本的应用现状,认识到网络文本是把双刃剑。它提高了高校思想政治教育的效率,创新了高校思想政治教育的形式,给广大师生带来了便利。它也存在着管理制度不完善、与传统思想政治教育契合有限等现实问题。但是,作为高校思想政治教育工作者应该看到网络文本不可阻挡的发展趋势,顺应信息时代的飞速发展。我们要继续深入研究思想政治教育网络文本在制度管理、应用方式、开发趋势等方面的可实施方案,提出切实可行的措施,为高校更好地利用网络文本开展思想政治教育做好应对工作。 思想政治教育在不断地进步,网络发展也在不断地向前推进,民众对网络的依赖与喜爱在迅速增长中。因而研究思想政治教育网络文本是必要的,也具有多方面的意义:倡导新的研究模式,,不断拓展思想政治教育新的研究领域;更好地发挥网络文本在思想政治教育教育中的作用等。
[Abstract]:After our country formally connected to the Internet in 1994, the ideological and political education of university network also developed vigorously. Network affects the development of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and impacts the traditional forms of ideological and political education. College network ideological and political education is not only a new opportunity, but also a new challenge. From the new angle of view of network text, this paper excavates the different forms of texts used in the process of carrying out ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and studies the characteristics and functions of different types of network texts of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. In order to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education of college students. Web text is not only text, value and character on the network, it is a hypertext concept, but also includes pictures, audio, video, animation and other forms of data. To study the network text of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, it is necessary to sum up the differences of these data itself, or different combination methods, analyze the advantages and disadvantages, so as to better serve the ideological and political education in colleges and universities. This paper firstly defines the network text of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and systematically classifies the network text of ideological and political education in colleges and universities according to different classification standards. Analyze its characteristics and study its function. Combined with the national policy on ideological and political education of college students and the development of the Internet in China, this paper probes into three stages of the network text of ideological and political education in colleges and universities: passive exploration stage. The active combat stage and the deep development stage. According to the application of network text of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in our country, it is recognized that network text is a double-edged sword. It improves the efficiency of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, innovates the form of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and brings convenience to teachers and students. It also has some practical problems, such as imperfect management system and limited agreement with traditional ideological and political education. However, as ideological and political educators in colleges and universities, they should see the unstoppable development trend of network texts and conform to the rapid development of the information age. We should continue to study in depth the implementable schemes of the network text of ideological and political education in the aspects of system management, application mode, and development trend, and put forward practical measures. For colleges and universities to better use the network text ideological and political education to do a good job. The ideological and political education is progressing constantly, the network development is also advancing unceasingly, the populace's dependence and love to the network is growing rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to study the network text of ideological and political education, which also has many meanings: advocating new research mode and expanding the new research field of ideological and political education; Better play the role of network text in ideological and political education.


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