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发布时间:2018-10-19 12:51
【摘要】:在知识经济和教育全球化竞争时代,世界一流大学由于具有培养高端人才、进行高新科技创新以及科研成果快速转化的重要功能而成为各国的创新主体之一,是各国的核心竞争力之所在。基于此,近年来我国政府从国家发展的战略高度大力推进一流大学和高水平大学建设。成为世界一流大学之前这所高校首先应该是中国一流大学,,但是对于“中国一流大学”的概念及评价指标却未能在各界达成统一定论。虽然“中国一流大学”的概念以及评价具有模糊性的特征,但却是建设一流大学的基本问题。 首先,本文通过分析国内外关于一流大学的定义以及评价的研究现状,并在学习相关理论的基础上,结合“一流”一次在中国汉语中的含义和中国政府使用“一流大学”时的所指,推演出中国一流大学的内涵和外延。 其次,本文立足“985工程”目标对“中国一流大学”的先决条件要求,从学科条件以及能力作为条件两方面构建中国一流大学的评价指标体系,并运用层次分析法对指标权重进行科学计算。 最后,应用设计的评价指标体系对我国的高等院校进行实证分析,从而得出我国现有的中国一流大学的名单,在分析其成功经验的基础上,对我国以建设中国一流大学为目标的高校提出相应的建议。
[Abstract]:In the era of knowledge economy and educational globalization competition, the world-class universities have become one of the main innovation subjects of various countries because of their important functions of cultivating high-end talents, carrying out high-tech innovation and rapid transformation of scientific research achievements. It is the core competence of each country. Therefore, in recent years, our government has vigorously promoted the construction of first-class universities and high-level universities from the strategic height of national development. Before becoming the first university in the world, this university should be the first class university in China, but the concept and evaluation index of the "first class university in China" has not reached a unified conclusion in all walks of life. Although the concept and evaluation of "first-class university in China" has fuzzy characteristics, it is the basic problem of constructing first-class university. First of all, this paper analyzes the definition and evaluation of the first-class universities at home and abroad, and on the basis of learning relevant theories. Combined with the meaning of "first-class" in Chinese and the reference of the Chinese government in using "first-class university", this paper deduces the connotation and extension of Chinese first-class university. Secondly, based on the requirement of the "985 Project" to the "first-class university in China", this paper constructs the evaluation index system of the first class university in China from the aspects of the subject condition and the ability as the condition. And use analytic hierarchy process to carry on scientific calculation to index weight. Finally, using the designed evaluation index system to carry on the empirical analysis to our country's colleges and universities, thus obtains the list of our country's existing first-class universities, on the basis of analyzing its successful experience, This paper puts forward the corresponding suggestions to the colleges and universities aiming at the construction of the first-class universities in China.


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