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发布时间:2018-10-19 19:08
【摘要】:高校作为国家对大学生进行思想政治教育的主阵地,一直深受中央重视,并将其作为培养社会主义事业的建设者和接班人,确保社会主义事业兴旺发达、后继有人的重要工程。显性思想政治教育作为高校实施思想政治教育的主要方式取得了较好的成绩,也发挥着重要的作用。但当代大学生的思想越来越多元化、开放化,思想活动的多变性、差异性、独立性进一步增强,单一地运用显性教育方法己难以满足新形势下思想政治教育的要求。隐性思想政治教育在高校思想政治教育中发挥了独特的作用,逐渐得到教育者的重视。高校隐性思想政治教育是相对于显性思想政治教育而言的,是指在高思想政治教育实施的过程中,教育者将教育的目的、内容隐藏到大学生的生活环境和形式多样的活动中,使大学生在思想政治理论课教育以外的校园生活中不知不觉地接受教育者的思想和内容,使大学生从被动接受慢慢过渡到主动接受,最终达到思想政治教育的效果。本文的具体内容主要通过四个部分进行阐述: 第一部分:高校隐性思想政治教育的内涵与立论依据。本部分阐述了高校隐性思想政治教育的涵义,介绍了古今中外涉及隐性思想的相关理论,归纳并总结了关于隐性思想政治教育的立论依据。 第二部分:隐性思想政治教育的特点与功能。本部分阐述了隐性思想政治教育空间的广泛性、载体的多样性、目的的隐蔽性、方式的灵活性、过程的渗透性等五个特征,并提炼出了隐性思想政治教育的认识导向、行为规范、自我教育、全面覆盖等四项功能。 第三部分:高校实施隐性思想政治教育的现实价值及可行性。本部分从高校显性思想政治教育遭受困窘的现实情况出发,对比得出实施隐性思想政治教育的现实价值,并从物质环境条件、活动实施平台、优质课程的开设、学生认识能力的提高、思想政治教育工作者综合素质的提升等五个方面深入分析了高校实施隐性思想政治教育的现实可行性。 第四部分:高校隐性思想政治教育方法运用的原则与路径。本部分在阐述隐性思想政治教育运用应坚持方向性、整体性、灵活性、层次性原则的基础上,通过对校内、校外以及网络隐性思想政治教育资源的多层次开发与构建,试图对高校隐性思想政治教育运用的路径,提出建设性、可操作性的思路。
[Abstract]:As the main position of ideological and political education for college students, colleges and universities have always been attached great importance to by the central government, and regarded it as an important project to train the constructors and successors of the socialist cause, to ensure the prosperity and development of the socialist cause, and to ensure the succession of the socialist cause. As the main way to carry out ideological and political education in colleges and universities, explicit ideological and political education has achieved good results and also played an important role. However, the thoughts of contemporary college students are becoming more and more diversified, open, the variability of ideological activities, differences, independence further enhanced, the single use of explicit education method has been difficult to meet the requirements of ideological and political education under the new situation. Recessive ideological and political education plays a unique role in ideological and political education in colleges and universities. The recessive ideological and political education in colleges and universities is relative to the explicit ideological and political education. It means that in the process of carrying out the higher ideological and political education, the educator hides the purpose and content of the education into the living environment and various activities of the college students. In addition to the ideological and political theory education, the college students can accept the thought and content of the educator unconsciously, so that the college students can gradually transition from passive acceptance to active acceptance, and finally achieve the effect of ideological and political education. The specific contents of this paper are mainly described in four parts: the first part: the connotation and theoretical basis of hidden ideological and political education in colleges and universities. This part expounds the implication of implicit ideological and political education in colleges and universities, introduces the relevant theories of recessive thought in ancient and modern times, and sums up the theoretical basis of recessive ideological and political education. The second part: the characteristics and functions of implicit ideological and political education. This part expounds the five characteristics of the space of recessive ideological and political education, the diversity of the carrier, the concealment of the purpose, the flexibility of the way, the permeation of the process, and extracts the cognitive orientation of the recessive ideological and political education. Code of conduct, self-education, comprehensive coverage and other four functions. The third part: the practical value and feasibility of implementing implicit ideological and political education in colleges and universities. This part starts from the reality that the explicit ideological and political education in colleges and universities suffers from embarrassment, and compares the practical value of carrying out the implicit ideological and political education, and from the material environment condition, the activity implementation platform, the opening of the high quality curriculum. The practical feasibility of carrying out implicit ideological and political education in colleges and universities is analyzed from five aspects: the improvement of students' cognitive ability and the improvement of the comprehensive quality of ideological and political educators. The fourth part: the principles and paths of the application of implicit ideological and political education methods in colleges and universities. On the basis of the principles of direction, integrity, flexibility and hierarchy, this part discusses the development and construction of the hidden ideological and political education resources in schools, outside schools and on the Internet. The main contents of this part are as follows: (1) the use of implicit ideological and political education should adhere to the principles of directionality, integrity, flexibility and hierarchy. This paper attempts to put forward constructive and operable ideas on the application of implicit ideological and political education in colleges and universities.


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